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It was weeks since that day, it was intense.

It is march 24th.
Tate had his license , Brayden went back to school and was known as a hero. Tom and Indiana visited her every other day or once a week at least.
Callie was still the same except she was going weaker and weaker. Refusing to eat , sometimes we had to carry her because she couldn't walk.it was hard. After the 2 weeks she didn't go to school. Her eyes were more yellow than ever. And when she puked she couldn't even move.

On a good note she gained 5lbs . But she was still weak and Reese told us it wasnt gonna get worse. But it did.
One fateful morning changed everything.


Callie pov

I woke up and it was a Tuesday morning. I wasn't feeling well that day and I was really dizzy.

I heard chatter downstairs so I decided to follow it. Step after step I took , cautiously making sure that I don't trip.

I was wearing shorts and a tank top

" morning" I said flopping onto the couch

" Buenos Dias" Cole said

" since when do u speak Spanish " Brayden laughed.

"I know Hindi?" Cole replied

I felt my throat trickle , it was itchy and dry and I was parched.

"U okay" Tate asked looking at me.

I ran to the bathroom and coughed into the toilet and footsteps behind me . Blood. Everywhere.

" Holy shit , Cole, she needs to go to the hospital now." Tate said

" okay , car now!" Cole shouted.

Tate and max picked me up by my hands .

My world was taken over by darkness

Tate pov

She stopped puking so max and I dragged her .

"SHES PASSED OUT!" He screamed

" Tate , drop them to school, take the car" Cole said

" No! I'm calling Indiana, she has a car." I said

I called her and she was on her way.

They jumped in the car and I said bye and they left.

Cole carried Callie to the car and put her in the backseat and . I went in the backseat and Callie started waking up.

" Callie, yea , wake up" I said rubbing her shoulders

She threw up in the garbage bag we carried.

" Hi dr Reese, we r going to the er" I heard cole say.

" FUCK!" Cole shouted banging his head on the wheel

" stupid red light" he mumbled

He looked back and saw her throwing up blood .

We sped to the hospital.
We realized she was so weak she couldn't walk.

Cole carried her with her legs wrapped around his waist and arms around his neck.

She ended up throwing up on him. Like a lot , his shirt was COVERED in her blood.
She threw up more
I checked in with a nurse and we saw Dr Reese.
" CALLIE, ! Follow me" she shouted

Cole and I sprinted up and followed her to a room. And yes I was carrying a garbage bag with her blood.

" what happened " she asked

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