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I wake up the next morning and I'm excited cuz ITS THE LAST DAYYYYYY!!!!! Anddd Max's scrubs are gonna be here.
I jump into everyone's room. First Coles where I rip his blanket off.
Then Brayden's where I kiss him in the cheek then jump on top of him so he can't move
Maxes room where I open his curtain. Which he detests. And finally Tates room where I scare him by screaming in his ear.

I decide to be a good sister and make everyone breakfast. French toast with whipped cream and strawberries. YUMM.
I line all of them up. Including for myself and I get changed and wait for them to come down.
I quickly get ready and rush downstairs to eat and wait for the boys
" mhhhh something smells good" Cole says walking down the stairs
" French Toaaaassstttt" I sing
The other boys come rushing down and eat and we get in the car.
" u feeling better?" Brayden asks me
" yh , I hate being a woman" I say
" nu uh. Ur not a woman . Your our little baby sister " Cole says as he picks me up as cradles me like a baby.
"LEMME EAT" I shout
" DAYM Ik . Fiesty" he mumbles
" I hope u get a period" I say

We hop into the car and it gives me a light bulb moment. PERIOD PAIN STIMULATION!!

I go to school and meet Indi and Tom. And Brayden comes w me
" Heyy how's woman hood?" She asks
" I hate it" I say
" Ik , Indi acts like a bitch on hers and is all emotional " Tom says
" stfu. U cried when u watched a baseball game"she said
" yh it was quite the surprise, I came to her room and blood everywhere and she was crying, in pain, craving sugar, sleeping, emotional " Brayden said
"Ok fine we get it I'm cranky" I said in annoyance.
Me and Indi walked together and I told her my plan about a period stimulator.
"THE pharmacy by shells cells them!" She says
"YES abut how are we gonna get them?" I ask
" OOoo. I'll ask Cole to take me. I'll tell him that they have heat patches I can keep on at school. And I'll buy it." I say
" YEEEESSS" she sings
I text Cole
Ca - on our way home. I need to get a heat patch from the pharmacy by shells. Can u take me?
Co- ofcccc anything for my little baby
Phew. Now that that's done it's time for school.
School went by fast. And we had an assembly and played games in class. We ended school early. 1:30. Cole came to pick us up.
" Cals needs to get something so we r going there then home" Cole said
" mkay" everyone says

I get to the store and I get out the car whilst the others stay in the car.
I find the patches and stimulator , pay then make my way back to the car.
" that was quick" Cole said as he reversed the car.
" yup" I said

We got home and I put a patch on and hid my stimulator.
" Callie!!!! There is a package for u!!" Brayden shouts
I ran downstairs and take the package out of brays hands
" what's in there?" He asks
" it's for my secret Santa person" I say

I run upstairs and I take off the box. Wow it's perfect.
I wrap it in a box and keep it under my bed.

I finish up last minute homework before making my way downstairs.
" BOYS!" I shout.
" OKY" they all shout back.

5 minutes later I see them all sitting on the couch.
" well hello lord boys" I say
" what r u up to.." Cole asks
" ohhh nothing..... except for this" I say as I pull out the stimulator.
" wats that?" They ask
" well since y'all aren't girls and complained about period pains being painful. This right here is a period stimulator " I say
" oh and a surprise guests........" I say as Shay , Lola and Bianca come out from behind the door.
They all were jaw dropped.
They all hugged and kissed their gf as me and Tate looked at them in disgust.
" okay to prove to u this isn't rigged , your girlfriends will be controlling it and Tate I will control it. And Shay will do it on me to prove that it isn't rigged and on herself." I say
I lay down and attach the 4 pads onto my stomach.
Shay presses level one. Nothing and same for levels 2,3,4,5,6,7. At level 8 I couldn't beat it.
" AHH NOPE" I shout and everyone laughs
Then Shay goes. She managed all 10 levels.
Idk how but she did.
First Cole went and he held shays hand .
"AHHHHHH MOTHERFUCKER" he shouts at level 5 and we all BURST OUT LAUGHING.

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