All went well

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It was 45 minutes later the door opened and Kettin brang Indiana in. She looked pale and lifeless. She had a tube in her nose.

Nancy took off the mask .

"She should be awake within the next hour. But until then.... Rest, eat, relax" she said

We all nodded.

"Umm gonna go get food" Hunter and Cole said in unison

"That was creepy" Tom and Brayden said in unison

The door opened to reveal Shay.

"Awwww bless her" Shay said

"Hey baby" she said and kissed Cole.

"I was just heading out with Hunter to get food" Cole said

"Okay, I'm gonna stay here" Shay said

"Max plug in her iv and put two stable patches on her chest" Kettin said from some walkie talkie

"Ok" max said and took Indianas arm again . He put the barrier down and ....

"I'll be right back" he said and walked out

"I've never been so proud " I said

"I'm impressed " Cole said

"I knew max had it in him" Hunter said

"You shoulda seen him today, he did the ultrasound and everything " I said

"Really?" Brayden said and I nodded

"Yep. I was impressed " I said

"Ok" max said

"Tate move for a sec" max said and I stood up and pulled the chair away.

Max raised the bed so instead of it being by his hip it was by his chest.

He sanitized his freshly put gloves and took the tube out the package.

He straightened it out and we all watched him.

He hooked it up to the iv machine and took Indianas arm and held her bicep and twisted some screw piece onto it and the iv started dripping.

He pushed her bed forward.

Margret came in.

"You do it?" She asked

"K told me to do stable patches " max said

"I'm proud " Margret said and ruffled his hair

"I'm so sorry I never properly introduced myself, I'm Margret Lily," she said and I shook her hand .

"You must be Tate," she said and I nodded

"And.... Cole" she said and he shook her hand

"And your Brayden" she said and Brayden shook her hand

"And you are?" She asked

"Hunter" he said and shook her hand.

I knew Hunter thought she was cute.

"And Tom" she said and Tom shook her hand

"And Shay and Callie" she said and Shay shook her hand and Callie didn't cuz she was asleep.

"It's my pleasure, I've heard a lot about you guys. And you should be very proud of Max, everyone loves him" she said

"We are very proud of him " Cole said and max had a big smirk on his face

"I will let you-" Margret said and dr . Reese entered

"MY favorite family!" She said

"Dr. Reese" Cole said and stood up not realizing Callie's head was still on his lap.

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