Out like a light

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Brayden pov
I was putting the dishes away and eating a Twinkie at the same time . I heard footsteps come from upstairs I called out Callie's name.
"Callie?" I said
All the boys turned around to see her standing on the steps . She looked pale and very disorientated. She was swaying back-and-forth. it looks like she was gasping for air, and her heart was on her chest.
Bam she fell down the stairs. tears are falling down from her eyes. Max Tate and I ran to go save her.
She hit her head at least five times while falling .
I grabbed her and picked her up and held her like a baby and asked her if she was ok. Her eyes couldn't focus on one thing.
"Babes?" Cole and Tate said as they shook her.
" feed her food" I said.
" no no no no" she said as she sounded like she had a nightmare.
we picked her up and layed her down on the couch .
She was out like a light. She started to slowly come back to earth .
We got a chair and tied her up.
Arms behind her back, and her legs were tied to the legs of the chair .
Back to Callie.
I woke up I was tied to the kitchen chair.. I look up to see my brothers on the phone sitting around me. Tate had a pot full of rice and beans. Brayden was holding a plate with chicken and coleslaw. hello, I mumbled
Everyone dropped their phones and stared at me.
" let me go!" I screamed.
" it's too late for that baby"Cole said as he pried my mouth open.
I cried and cried. Shuffling and moving my head.
Brayden could see my fist's clenched behind the chair.
"Wait-" Brayden shouted, " I'm gonna hold her hand, the towel isn't strong"
Braden undid the towel from behind my hand. I put my hands flat out on the table. And Cole sat directly in front of me, Braden grabbed one hand, and Max grabbed the other. Tate opened my mouth with his bare hands and Cole putting food in it.
He used his hands and made me chew.
" see, not so hard" Cole said
As my mascara runs down my face.
" I'm sorry baby " he said as he Carried me back upstairs. He cradled me like a little newborn baby and moved me up and down as the crying stopped and I went to sleep.

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