Tats and tits

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Callie pov
I woke up the next morning with my head pounding against the wall.

I got out of bed rubing my eyes .

I looked like a mess.
I had cuts and bruises and Idek where they are from. God I don't even really last night. Only getting angry at Cole.

I went downstairs and everyone was there......

"Morning." I said slamming myself onto the couch.

No one responded.

"Hello?" I said looking at them all weirdly

I looked at my Hands .... Covered in bandages. Wtfffff.

"Morning " coke said as if he was confused

"Uhhh..... we're going to the tat shop at 12:30 " Cole said

" I'm so excited " I squealed

"You ain't goin" Tate said

"Why?" I asked

"Wdym why? You almost killed me last night. And your self" Cole said looking at me

" Wait what!?? I-"

"Callie..... do you remember what happened last night?" Cole asked

I shook my head

"Just that I drank vodka and ran off" I

"Jesus fuck.... So you don't remember anything.... " Brayden said and turned around

"I don't remember." I said

"Callie. Look me in my eyes and tell me you remember nothing. Swear." Max said standing infront of me and putting both hands on my shoulders

"I swear.... I don't remember anything... what happened why is everyone stressed." I said

"Callie .... Babe.... You held a knife to Tates throat. You ran away and got both drunk and high and came home in a fucking state and a dap pen in hand. You had cuts and bruises everywhere and you slashed your wrists with canned beer bottle . You could barely walk and Hunter had to help carry you. Callie ,do yu seriously not remember ?" Indiana said in a worried tone.

" is this just like a sick joke?no I seriously don't remember." I said

Indiana sat downbeside me and hugged me and I hugged her back not knowing what to do. I looked at the bandages on my wrist and everyone stared at me in concern.

"Where's my phone?" I asked

"Your grounded " Cole said

"What did I do?" I Said

"Uhhhhh Callie hold on" Cole said and looked back up at the living room camera he installed like weeks ago.

He took the tv remote and went to HDMI 4
And pressed on the camera app and then the living room camera.

"Callie ...... Yu need to see this." Brayden said

Everyone sat down.

"Wait but Callie I have a question." Tate said

"Do you want me dead?" He asked

" NO! Why would you ask such a thing ..... why would o want you dead your my brother?!" I retorted

"Drunk actions are sober thoughts..... just remember." He continues.

Cole rewinded the living room footage . He pressed play.

The front door opened and so did everyone's jaw...
I looked closely and saw. Me? With a dab pen in my mouth. I walked in weirdly.

Older Brothers am i right?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang