"Pizza "

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The next morning I woke up and we all went to school and work. It was a normal morning. Tom slept over and he left his school stuff at school.

"Wake up, Callie, California! " I heard a familiar voice say

" Tom?" I asked

I saw his one hand on my waist and thigh and he was shaking me awake.

" Get ready quick, Cole asked me to wake u up" Tom said

I quickly changed and got ready and went down.

I woke a New York hoodie and yoga shorts.

" eat quick" Cole said throwing a piece of bread at me.

" how was your high Tate?" I asked

" I didn't like it after sometime" he complained

" we woke up and puked " Cole said patting his shoulder and sipping his coffee.

" shut up" he said

"He's not smoking weed . Ever" Cole emphasized.

We left after that and Tate and Cole headed off to work

I looked on the poster on a wall on the door.


" Callie you should do this. !!! U have an amazing voice and YOU LOVE Athena little mermaid." Indiana said

" Should I really? You think so?" I said

I really wasn't sure . I had stage fright. A little but not too bad. Fuck it. Why not. I'm probably not gonna get the part anyway.

" yES OFc I'm signing you up " she said putting my name and what class I'll be in P6. English.

The day went by quickly.

We got in the car.

" How was school?" Cole asked

I was so umcomfy . I had to sit on maxes lap and Indiana on Toms lap

" good" we all said

" Callie , you should tell them about this morning" Indiana said

" nooooo y? If I don't get it, there's no point " I said

She gave me the 'cmon , just say it' stare

" I'm auditioning for Ariel "I said

" YAAY!" Everyone said

" Indiana made me" I said

" YES because you literally have the voice of an angel , you gotta put yourself more out there" she said

Everyone agreed and we went home and chilled on the couch. I decided it preparation for the audition, I would listen to music from the little mermaid.
I'm our school, you have to sing a musical song.  Like a song from a musical and then you have to read lines.

So I listened I decided 'part of that world' was the song I was gonna sing.

I connect my phone to my speaker and just sang and paced around. I ended up folding some laundry and singing.

I went downstairs and I connected my phone to my AirPods and they were in noise cancellation. So I wouldn't hear anyone. I walked downstairs and decided to make myself a pop tart .

" Up where they walk, up where they run
Up where they stay all day in the sun
Wanderin' free - wish I could be
Part of that world" I sang 
I took the pop tart out of the packet and used a spatula and sang as if it was a microphone.

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