The Summer I'll Never Forget Chapter 11

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Toppers Shitty Plan

You and JJ met back up with Sarah and John B.

You each kiss y'all's  boyfriends bye and you get into Sarahs car to drive back to her house.

Meanwhile with Rafe, Topper, and Kelce.

Rafe told Topper and Kelce what happened.

"So you told her how you felt and she rejected you!?" Kelce ask.

"Yeah basically. It's cause she's dating this other dude." Rafe says.

"Who's this dude?" Topper ask Rafe.

"A pouge." Rafe says.

"Of course it's a pouge! Which one?" Kelce ask.

"JJ." Rafe tells him.

"She rejected you for a dirty pouge! Bullshit." Topper says pissed off.

"Look she doesn't want me. I'll just try to forget her." Rafe says.

"Look man, you want this chick right?" Topper ask Rafe.

Rafe nods.

"Then I'll get her for you." Topper says.

"How? She's in love with JJ." Rafe tells Topper.

"Well, didn't you say Y/N and Sarah went shopping today?" Topper ask him.

"Yeah. So?" Rafe ask.

"Do you know why?" Topper ask.

"I don't know...but I did hear her and Sarah say something about going to the Chateau later tonight." Rafe tells Topper.

"Maybe I could try to plan something out where it looks like JJ doesn't want want Y/N anymore." Topper suggest his plan.

"What? No Topper. Stay out of it. She loves JJ and he loves her. Don't do anything. Plus it'll just make things worse because she'll be upset." Rafe says.

"Come on man, you like the girl. Now I'm gonna get her to love you and hate him." Topper says.

"I said no Topper! You try to mess with that girls head, I swear to God I'll find you." Rafe says.

"Dude chill. Atleast you have a friend that's trying to help you!" Topper says.

"You won't help anything if you make her cry. I will get over her so just...back off." Rafe tells Topper.

"Fine I'll leave her alone." Topper says.

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