The scence that changed it all

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A/N: Thank you so much @addiakame09 for this request!

Today you and Rudy had a big scene that y'all had to shoot together. You were nervous for it because you have liked Rudy ever since the beginning of filming but you haven't told him. The only people that know are Drew, Madelyn, and Chase. The rest of the case kind of figured out on there own and they might of had a little help from Madelyn telling them. All of them kept it a secret from Rudy, which obviously you were thankful for.

"Hey Y/N! You excited for today?" Madelyn says walking into your trailer. You are getting your makeup done from the artist. "Yeah why wouldn't I be? It's just another day of filming." you say to her. "Girl don't play dumb. Today you have that big scene with Rudy." Madelyn says. "Oh yeah the big scene...but it's not real life, just acting." you tell her. "Oh c'mon you have liked Rudy ever since filming started! Why don't you take this as your opportunity to tell him how you feel!?" she suggests. "And how would I do that?" you ask her. She stays silent thinking. "I got it! When you guys are doing filming and he walks close to you take that as your opportunity to kiss him!" Madelyn tells you. "But a kiss isn't in the script." you tell her. "Okay yeah but now it can be. Trust me that will let him know how you feel without saying a word." Madelyn says. "I don't know I'll think about it." you tell her looking at yourself in the mirror. "Ughhhh sometimes I wonder why I even try." She says flopping down on the couch dramatically. "Haha c'mon get up! Let's go see the others." you say grabbing her hands to pull her up.

You guys walk out to go to Chases trailer.

"Look dude I don't know why you're so nervous!? It's just a scene." Chase says to Rudy. "I know I know it's just...well you know how I feel about her, I don't wanna mess anything up." Rudy tells Chase. "I get it. Why don't you just tell Y/N how you feel?" Chase ask Rudy. "Nah nah I can't do that. You know how awkward it would be if I told her how I felt and she didn't feel the same way. Think about how work would be...and our friendship would be nonexistent." Rudy tells him. "Oh c'mon Rudy you have liked this girl since the beginning of the season. I think she feels the same way about you." Chase says. "What!? You think she likes me?" Rudy ask Chase. "Yes bro. She would be absolutely crazy to say no." Chase tells him. "Okay we'll what should I do?" Rudy ask Chase. And just when Chase was about to tell Rudy on what he should do, you and Madelyn walked in.

"Heyyy." Madelyn says. "Oh hey Rudy." she says seeing him standing up talking to Chase. "Hey guys." you say. "Hey girls." Chase says. "Sup." Rudy says awkwardly. It stays silent for a second. *knock knock* "Come in!" Chase says. "I need Y/N and Rudy to come on out to start filming." one of the producers say. You and Rudy both walk out. Rudy closes the trailer door behind him leaving Madelyn and Chase in there. "Can't wait to know what happens after they're done." Madelyn says. "Yeah-wait what's happing after?" Chase ask Madelyn. "Okay well Y/N needed some advice and I told her to kiss Rudy during the scene." Madelyn tells Chase with a smile on her face. "Wow. You think she'll actually go through with it?" Chase ask her. "I don't know. We can only hope." Madelyn says.

Filming Scene:
"Okay and 3, 2, 1 action!" The director says. "JJ what are you talking about?" you ask JJ. "Gosh Ava you just don't get it do you!?" JJ says to you. "Get what?" you ask JJ. "Get that I like you!" JJ says. Your character stands there in shock. "You like me?" you ask him. "Yeah." JJ says. You back up against the wall like your character supposed to. JJ/Rudy walks closer to you. Now what's supposed to happen is you guys look into each others eyes for a little bit and then JJ is supposed to walk away but you take Madelyn's advice and do it. JJ starts to walk away and you follow after him and he turns around then bam you kiss him. You cup his face with your hands flowing into a passionate yet sweet kiss. Rudy doesn't break away and he keeps kissing you. "Cut!" The director shouts. You and Rudy break away. "Okay now Y/N that definitely wasn't in the script." The director says. "I know I'm so sorry." you tell him. "But I loved it!" he says catching you off guard. "You did?" you ask him surprised. "Absolutely." he says. "Well thank you." you tell him. He nods and filming is over. You and Rudy look at each other. "Why-why did you do that?" Rudy ask you. "I did it because...I like you Rudy. Not just like, Rudy I'm in love with you. I've liked you since the beginning of filming." you tell him. He stands there surprised. "I've liked you since filming too." he says smiling. "Really?" you ask. "Yeah. I'm so glad you told me. I like everything about you from your eyes to your smile to just everything." he says blushing. You blush. "I love you." you say. "love you too." he says. You guys both lean in and kiss each other. This one is even better than the first. It's loving and genuine. You guys break away and smile.

You guys both arrive to Chases trailer. You open the door. Chase and Madelyn stand up right away. "So did you do it!?" Madelyn says. You nod. "Ahhhh yayyyy!!!" She says running towards you giving you a big hug. Chase and Rudy hug too. "Proud of y'all." Madelyn says. "And it only took 3 seasons." Chase says jokingly. You and Rudy laugh.

A/N: Thank you so much for the request! I absolutely loved this story.

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