The Summer I'll Never Forget Chapter 7

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The Sleepover

You guys arrive at her house and you see Sarahs parents on the couch as y'all walk through the door.

"Guys this is Y/N, she just recently moved here." Sarah says to her parents.

"Nice to meet you." her dad says shaking your hand.

"Hi. I'm Rose and this is Ward." Rose says.

"Nice to meet y'all." you say.

Y/N's POV:

Me and Sarah walk upstairs to her room.

"You're parents seem nice." I say.

"Yeah they are around new people but don't let them fool you, especially Rose. She's my step-mom but she try's to act like my biological mom." Sarah says.

"What happened to your biological mom?" I ask her.

"She left when I was a baby. Rafe was only 3." Sarah says.

"Oh I'm sorry." I say.

"It's fine...let's change the subject." she says with a smile.

"Okay what you wanna talk about?" I ask her.

"You and JJ." Sarah says.

"Yeah what about us?" I ask her.

"Well for starters you and him are so cute together." Sarah says.

"Thank you." I say with a soft chuckle. "But we haven't made anything official yet." I tell her.

"JJ doesn't really like labels but you could change that." Sarah says.

"Yeah...maybe." I say.

"Hey I have these matching pjs that we can wear." she says.

"Okay." I say.

She hands me the pair of floral pjs. We both put them on and go to the bathroom.

I use some of her skincare and she uses hers too.

"We should do some face mask!" I say.

"Yes! Great idea. I have a ton." Sarah says.

We end up picking this one peel off face mask and put it on.

"We look scary." I say laughing.

She laughs too.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Sarah ask me.

"Sure, what movie?" I ask her.

"10 Things I Hate About You?" she says.

"Ah yes. I love that movie." I say.

"Okay before we start the movie, let's go make some popcorn." she says.

Just as we get up the timer for the mask rings.

We go to the bathroom and peel it off.

We then head downstairs to make the popcorn.

Sarah goes into her pantry and grabs the box of popcorn. She pulls out one of the bags.

"Hey could you grab me the big white bowl out of the top left cabinet?" Sarah ask me.

"Yeah." I reply and stand on my tippy toes to reach it.

I pass her the bowl. She places the popcorn bag in the microwave.

"Mmmm what smells so good?" Rafe says walking into the kitchen.

"Popcorn." I say.

"Oh hey Y/N. I didn't know you were here." Rafe says.

"Hey." I say.

The microwave beeps and Sarah pours the popcorn in the bowl.

I grab the bowl and Sarah grabs two waters out of the fridge.

Me and Sarah start to head upstairs until Rafe stops us.

"You're not gonna add anything special in it?" Rafe ask.

"Like what?" I ask.

"You gotta add extra butter, it's the best way to eat it." Rafe says.

I set the bowl down and Rafe grabs the butter out of the fridge.

"Hey I'll be back." Sarah says and walks to the bathroom down stairs.

That leaves me and Rafe alone in the kitchen.

Rafe pulls the bowl closer to him and he takes the paper off the small stick of butter. He puts it in a small bowl and places it in the microwave for a few seconds.

The microwave beeps and he takes it out.

"Here you pour it in, sense you're the guest." Rafe says to me, handing me the melted butter.

I take it out of his hands and slowly pour it in to make insure everything gets covered.

As I pour it in Rafe comes up behind me and rest his chin on my shoulder.

"Just like that...perfect." Rafe says as I finish.

I try it and it's so good.

"Mm-hmm that's delicious." I say.

"See I'm always right." Rafe says.

Sarah comes out of the bathroom.

"I'll be upstairs Y/N." Sarah says.

"Okay, be right there." I tell her.

Me and Rafe make eye contact.

"Goodnight Rafe." I say.

"Goodnight Y/N." Rafe says in a flirty tone.

I feel his eyes on me as I walk upstairs with the popcorn going in Sarahs room.

I put the bowl on Sarahs bed and crawl in. Sarah i laces the bowl between us and hands me my water. She turns on the movie.

As you watch the movie you keep having the thought in your mind about Rafe flirting with you.

"I'm so happy for you and JJ." Sarah says.

"What? Oh um, yeah. Me too." I say.

"Y/N? What is it?" Sarah ask me as she pauses the movie.

"Well, while you were in the bathroom Rafe was like super flirty with me." I tell her.

"Oh. Did you tell him about you and JJ?" Sarah ask you.

"No. I didn't have time too...and it's not like i enjoyed hearing him flirt with me you know." I say.

"Yeah, totally. Don't worry about it. Just put it out of your head." she says as she unpauses them movie.

"Yeah." I say.

We finish the popcorn and movie. We go to the bathroom to brush our teeth.

Sarah goes downstairs to take the empty popcorn bowl to the kitchen.

She comes back in the room and you quickly text JJ goodnight. He reasponds with Goodnight cupcake. You heart the message and then you and Sarah go to sleep.

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