The Choice Pt6 (Final Part)

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*The words that are in this font are the words that you wrote in the letter*

The morning after y'all's argument, you go and write JJ a note. You place the note on his chair in his backyard. The note reads: Dear, JJ. I feel like such a coward writing this letter. After you left, I told Ryan everything. He yelled and cussed. He called me just about every name in the book. He stormed out and told me to go to hell. But in the morning he came back and he asked me to marry him. Got to thinking that life is held together by choices, one after the other. All shapes and sizes. Right or wrong it doesn't matter, because life just keeps unfolding. It won't wait around for you. If you sit still, it could pass you by altogether.

JJ is at Pope and Cleo's anniversary party when Kie shows up and talks to JJ. Guess you could say they are back 'together'.

I guess I'd like to believe all those choices are made for us the instant we enter into this world.

You see Kie at JJ's house.

Because if that's true, then we're exactly where we're supposed to be...forever.

You go back inside your house feeling in a way emotional.

Skip to later at night:

"Here you go." Kie says handing JJ a beer. "Thank you." JJ says. "Yeah, sure." Kie reply's. Kie sits next to JJ on the porch swing. "You seem like you're somewhere else tonight." Kie says. "I know. I'm sorry. I'm just a little wiped out." JJ explains to Kie. "You'll never look at me the way you look at her. It's true. I know it. I'd hate her for it if I was one of those women, but I'm not." Kie says with tears in her eyes. "Come on, now." JJ says. "JJ, I, uh...I'm going to give you some friendly advice, and then I'm going to go home and cry, okay? Swallow your pride. You want to be the guy that shows up in ten years with flowers in your hand, Pouge by your side, hoping that she'll hear you out? Praying she'll understand why you quit so easy? Because that's all any woman wants, is a man who's gonna fight. So why don't you just do it now and save yourself a whole decade?" Kie says as she gives JJ a kiss on the cheek and gets up to leave. "You know she looks at you the same way." Kie says to JJ. JJ just stays silent. "Alright, bye." Kie says as she places her beer down and leaves away crying. JJ is just left there with his thoughts.

Next morning:

JJ gets in his truck and drives with speed and determination. "Y/N! Y/N!" JJ shouts as he goes to the place you work at. "Where is she?" JJ ask the lady upfront. "Where's who?" the lady says. "Y/N. Where's Y/N?" JJ ask. "Sir?" the lady ask. "Y/N? Y/N. Y/N.-" JJ shouts calling for you but the lady interrupts him. "Hey, you can', you need to come back from there." the lady tells him. JJ ain't listening he still calls for your name running around your work place like a lose chicken. "Sir, you need to come back. Oh, shit. You're him?" the lady says realizing who JJ is. "Yeah." JJ says with a little confusion but then realization. "Y/N!" JJ shouts again. "JJ, she's gone." the lady says. "Where?" JJ ask. "I'll give you a hint." Ryan says. (you and Ryan work together) "Where do women go when they break off their engagements? Now, she told me that her head was hitting her heart. I'm not what that means, but I'm pretty sure that you speak the language." Ryan says walking closer to JJ. "Yeah. I suppose that means her true feelings were at odds with-" JJ says but he's interrupted by Ryan's fist connecting with his nose.

JJ is in his truck holding a tissue to his nose to collect the blood. JJ just smirks and shakes his head as he drives. He drives his truck and passes the sign that says 'Welcome to South Carolina' JJ turns right to the road to your house. He drives down to be met with a giant mansion. "Holy super kook." JJ says to himself. He goes and knocks on the door. A guy in nice formal clothes answers the door. "Are you expected, sir?" the gentleman ask. "Um, no. Uh, I need to see Y/N." JJ says. The gentleman let's him in. JJ is met to see a blonde headed older chef in your parents kitchen. "This young man here is looking for Miss Y/N." the gentleman announces. "Well, I believe she's returning from the stables." the woman says as she looks out the window to see you walking up to the house with an older woman and older man. JJ looks out the window to see the same thing. JJ runs over to the back door to be met with you and who he thinks is your parents. "Hi." he says. "You?" you say shocked. "What are you doing here?" you ask. "Mr. Y/L/N. Mrs. Y/L/N." he says shaking both of their hands. "I'm JJ Maybank. Maybe you've heard of me?" JJ ask but they both have a confused look on their face. "Maybe not. Okay. Um, well, I'm here today to tell you that I love Y/N something terrible, and I was hoping I could take her off your hands." JJ says to the older couple. You are in complete shock. "Young man, we love Y/N something terrible, too, but you are barking up the wrong tree." the woman says. "If you're here for Y/N's hand, you might want to ask her parents." the man says pointing over to your parents who were the man who opened the door and the woman cooking. "No. No, no, no." you say. "Oh, my gosh. I'm so sorry.-"JJ says but you interrupt. "No. No, no, no." you say. "I just assumed that they were.-" JJ says but your mom interrupts him. "It's quite all right, JJ." your mom says. "It's nice to meet you." JJ says shaking your mothers hand. "So nice to meet you." JJ says shaking your fathers hand. "Pleasure." your father replys. "Why are you here? I saw you with her on the porch." you say. "No, hang on now.-" JJ says but you interrupt. "On the boat.-" you say but JJ interrupts. "Hang on." JJ says. "No I saw you. Picked up right where you left off." you say. "Y/N, stop. Listen to me, please. I love you." JJ says with the sweetest smile. "Well, I don't love you." you say. "Oh, hush. You do, too." your mother says. You look at her in shock. "Knew it the second you walked inside and set your eyes on him, biting your lip the way you do." your mother says. "Mom! He is a walking cautionary tale!" you say to your mother pointing at JJ. "Now, hang on a minute." JJ says. "You are." you tell him. "Y/N, you've been waiting for him to show ever since you got home and you know it." your father says. "Dad! Whose side are you on, anyway? Huh?" you ask your father. "Mr. Y/L/N, Mrs. Y/L/N, I'm so sorry for the confusion and the intrusion...but I love this woman and I would love a blessing from you, whether it's a wink or a nod...-" JJ says but you interrupt. "Oh, my God. A blessing?" you say. "or anything that you could give me." JJ says finishing his sentence. "You got a ring, son?" your father ask JJ. "What? What? What? No, no, no. What the hell is going on here?" you ask as your mother takes the necklace that she is wearing that has a wedding ring around it. "Mom!? No. No, no, no. I am not marrying this man!" you say. "Here. This was her grandma's." your mother says handing JJ the ring. "What? Oh, my God. Hello? I am right here!" you say. "Y/N." JJ says. "No." you tell him. "Y/N." JJ says once more. "No, no, no." you tell him again. "You should probably take a knee, son." your father suggests. "Dad!" you say. "Right." JJ says listening to his advice. "Yeah." your father says. "Thanks again." JJ says. "Y/N. I think I pretty much said all the words, so all I need is a lifetime to prove it to you. Will you marry me?" JJ ask. You have tears in your eyes denying your true feelings. "No." you say. "Well, yes." JJ says. "No." you say louder. "Yes!" JJ says. "No!" you say. "Yes!" JJ says again. "No!" you say again. "Yes!" JJ says once more as he stands up and cups your face. "Come bother me, baby. Bother me for the rest of my life. Be my wife." JJ says. You habe tears in your eyes still as your mind is filled with all sorts of emotion. "Okay." you say with a slight smile. JJ puts his forehead on yours out of relief and you just smile. He un-cups your face with his hands and takes your left hand and slides the ring on your ring finger. You gasp. JJ picks you up off the ground by your waist.

Skip to the wedding day:

You guys are standing at the front doors of the church as everyone else is outside. You and JJ share a kiss as now Mr. and Mrs. Maybank. "Don't ever let go." you whisper to his as he kisses your knuckles.

Skip to later on:

-You would rock on the porch swing as JJ watched you

-You would wake up to be beside him every day

-You are now pregnant with your first baby which is a girl

-While pregnant JJ would always rub your belly and make in sure you were well taken care of

-Skip to 4 years later. JJ is teaching your daughter how to fish as you sit and watch. You are pregnant again.

-Now that y'all are a family of 4, you guys like to have picnics together

-You enjoy ice cream nights with your kids

-Life is perfect

A/N: OMG. This is the end of this story. Hope y'all enjoyed it. Thanks so much for the support. <3

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