Birthday Suprise

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It was JJ's birthday and you wanted it to be special. You guys have been dating for a little over 2 years now. JJ didn't want you to go all out but you did anyway to show him how much you love him.

I woke up to JJ showering me with kisses. This was his favorite way of waking me up. "Happy Birthday babe!" you say smiling at him. He kisses you for a little bit and then y'all decide it's time to get up. You guys walk out to John B making breakfast. "Smells good!" you say. "I'm making pancakes for the birthday boy!" he says turning around looking at JJ. Kie and Pope sat up off the couch from cuddling and told JJ happy birthday. The food was ready and everyone ate the pancakes and told John B how good they were.

Some time goes by and when JJ goes to the bathroom you pull John B aside and ask him to take JJ somewhere so you can set up the chateau for JJ's birthday with the help of Kie and Pope. "Yeah sure I'll take him out surfing if something." he tells you. "Okay thank you so much." you tell him. "Of course!" he says going back down to sit on the couch. JJ comes out of the bathroom and John B asking if he wants to go surfing. JJ obviously agrees and tells Pope and Kie bye then comes up to you and kisses you bye. Now that JJ is out of the house you can now set up for the party.

You bought some decorations the other day and started setting everything up. Pope blew up the balloons while Kie made the cupcakes and you hung up the happy birthday banner and did some other things. After about an hour and a half everything was ready and looked perfect. You and Kie added the finishing touches to the cupcakes when you heard the front door open. John B told JJ to cover his eyes and JJ did just that. Kie, Pope, and you all stood in front of him with a small confetti cannon and popped it open when he opened his eyes. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY JJ!" everyone shouted. "Wow guys you did all this for me!?" JJ says looking around at everything. "It was all Y/n we just helped a little." Pope says. "I have the best girlfriend in the world! Thank you babe I love it so much!" he says picking you up and spinning you around while your laughing. "Of course babe! You deserve to have the best birthday ever!" you tell him while he sets you back down to the ground. "I love you so much!" he tells you. "And I love you!" you say giving him a quick kiss on the lips. "Okay this is very sweet but those cupcakes aren't gonna eat themselves." John B says looking over at the untouched cupcakes. He runs over and grabs one and takes a bite and a second after Pope and Kie grab one and take a bite. "These are delicious!" Kie says. JJ grabs two and hands you the other one. "Thank you guys for all of this it means a lot." he says to the gang. "Of course." Everyone says. After you guys eat the cupcakes it's time for presents. Everyone takes a seat on the couch with JJ in the middle and you sitting right beside of him with John B, Kie, and Pope across from y'all on the floor. "Okay open mine first!" Pope says while handing a gift bag to JJ. He takes the gift bag and opens it. Inside is a couple hats. "Thanks man I needed some new ones so this is great." he says setting them down. "Okay whose next?" he says. "ME!" Kie says. She hands him a box with a new shark tooth necklace. "I found this at a shop and I knew I had to get it since you lost your other one." she tells him. "Thank you Kie." he says. John B hands him his present which is clearly unwrapped. It is some new rings. "Thanks man this is great." he tells him. "Okay we saved the best for last." JJ says laughing a little. You hand him a basket with all kinds of stuff in it. T-shirts, new swim trunks, surf wax, his favorite snacks and candy, and a blanket that you had made with pictures of y'all together. "Omg thank you so much Y/n! I love everything." he says while giving you the biggest hug ever. "Your so welcome and don't you just love that blanket!?" you say giggle a little. "Absolutely it's my favorite thing!" he says laughing.

After a couple hours of parting it gets super late and Pope and Kie are already passed out on the couch and so John B heads to bed and shortly after you and JJ head to bed as well. "Y/n before we go to sleep I just wanna say thank you for making this the best birthday ever. Seriously I couldn't ask for anyone better to spend it with than you. I love you." he says. "Aw JJ I'll do anything to make you feel special and I'm so glad this was the best birthday ever." you say kissing his lips. "I love you Y/n. Goodnight." he tells you. "Goodnight JJ. I love you." you say as you cuddle up next to JJ and you guys drift off to sleep.

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