The Choice Pt1

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A/N: This story is based off the movie "The Choice" on Netflix but with small changes. This is going to be multiple parts.

You just moved into a small neighborhood. You are busy unpacking your boxes when your dog Molly comes up to you. "Hey Molly! Do you need to go outside?" you ask. Molly wags her tail so you let her out and finish up unpacking.

You go out to your front yard to see your neighbor hanging out with some of his friends being very loud. You roll your eyes and go back into the house.

A few months later:

It's now around dinner time so you make dinner.

While you are eating you study some of your notes for you college classes.

It's late at night and you are in the middle of studying when you hear your neighbor playing music loudly. You look over at Molly and see that she doesn't look okay. You feel around her and realize that she's pregnant. The music continues to play loudly. You try to first ignore it but it's interrupting your studying time so you go outside and walk up to his yard.

"Excuse me. Hello." you say walking up to the guy. He turns his head and sees you walking towards him. "Yeah, hi. Hello." you say. He turns off his music. "Sorry. Um, music's a little loud. I didn't hear you." The man with blonde hair and blue eyes says to you. "Yes it was. It is so loud-" you say but he cuts you off. "Hey, your my new neighbor, aren't you? I've seen you over there watching me." he tells you. "Watching you?" you ask. "Yeah-" he reply's. "Oh, my God. Wow. I was not watching you. You live 100 yards away. Where was I supposed to look?" you say in a frustrated tone. "I'm just kidding with ya. I'm just playing." he says defensively. "That is funny-" you say before he interrupts you. "What do you say we start over? Uh, why don't you have a seat-" he says. "I do not want a seat, thank you." you say. "Would you like a beer?" he ask. "I'm fine." you reply. "C'mon, have a beer. We got, uh-" he says before you cut him off. "I do not want that. Thank you." you say while tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. "All right. Well, I'm JJ. And the dog there, that's Pouge." he says. "Yeah." you say. "And um, I think this is the part in the conversation where you tell me your name." JJ says. "Oh, you do, do you? Well, no." you say. "Okay. Uh, alright. Fine. know, there's a certain type of woman that usually shows up here after 10:00. She's wearing ratty sweatpants, no makeup, and she's usually only after one thing." he says. "Oh, my God. Are you implying I'm here for sex?-" you say but he cuts you off. "You are, aren't you?" he ask. "Oh, my God." you say disgusted and start to walk away. "I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I'm kidding." he says with his hands in front of him defensively, laughing. You turn around. "Could you be any more obnoxious?" you ask him. "Lady, you have no idea." he says. "Lady. Stop calling me 'lady'." you say. "Tell me your name." he says. "It is Y/N." you tell him. "Hello, Y/N. Welcome to the neighborhood. What are you so angry about?" he ask you. "I am angry about Molly's nipples." you say. He looks at you confused. "Your stinky-ass dog took advantage of my sweet little girl. Now her nipples are swollen and she's gained 15 pounds. She will not get out of bed and you play your music too loud!" you say. "So your saying that Pouge there knocked up your dog. "Oh I know Pouge there knocked up my dog. He wanders the neighborhood day and night unsupervised. He has been wearing her down since the moment that we moved in." you say. JJ laughs amused. "Wearing her down?" he says. "That's right. You're responsible." you say. "That's right, this is my fault. It's all my fault. I take full responsibility. I've talked to him so many times about using protection-" JJ says but you interrupt him. "Don't patronize me." you say. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." he says. "Unbelievable." you say under your breath. "Look, you're right. This is serious. Um, how long do we have. I mean how far along is she?" he ask. "Oh, God. This is so funny to you." you say. "It's a little funny, yeah." he says. "Well, I'm not exactly sure, because I haven't taken her to the vet yet." you tell JJ. "So how do you even know she's pregnant?" he says. "Because my mom is a doctor and I'm also a woman." you say. "The second I knew, the first one is-" he says but you interrupt him. "Oh, you did?" you say. "new information." JJ finishes his sentence. "Oh, you're so smart." you say to him. "Yeah." he says. "Yeah." you agree. "Well, I like your confidence. And there happens to be a fantastic clinic right here in town." he says. "Okay." you say. "And I want you to know, Pouge is not going to be a deadbeat dad. He's- this is not going to be one of them Dirty Dancing type situations. He's going to stand up straight like a man." JJ says. "Hey. Somebody say Dirty Dancing?" a blonde girl says walking up to y'all. "Oh." you say. "I'll be inside eating the rest of the ice cream." the blonde girl says walking away. "I'll get you the card." JJ says. "You know, I'm good." you says walking backwards. "I can probably figure this out..." you say turning around walking back to your house. "No for the vet." JJ says. "on my own." you say finishing your sentence. "Good night." JJ says. You grunt in exasperation. JJ turns back on the music.

JJ's Pov:
He walks back into the house. He goes to the fridge looking for something. "Who was that?" the blonde chick ask. "Nobody. It's a new neighbor. Already bothering the heck out of me. Where's the damn ice cream?" JJ ask. He closes the freezer door and sees the blonde girl eating the ice cream. "Uh-Oh." the blonde girl says. JJ sighs. "What Sarah?" he ask. "I'll tell you later." Sarah says handing him the ice cream and then walking off.

A/N: This is the first part of the story. This is such a funny and cute story and I hope y'all like it!

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