Chapter 36: A Weapon Fit for a Weak Heroine (IV).

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Chapter 36: A Weapon Fit for a Weak Heroine (IV).

"Hmm~ Hmm~ Thank you for coming! Hope to see you next time too!"

The elderly she served waves a hand goodbye, feeling youth was definitely in the season seeing the heroine being so diligent in her work, despite knowing she can just marry rich with her kind of beauty!

Oh, how hardworking she was... it made all of them wish they had a granddaughter like her to call their own.

The heroine was still at her work, picking up plates and moving them inside the kitchen where they'll be cleaned.


The sounds of plates bustling down were heard, and the blonde girl wipes the sweat right by her forehead and smiles seeing no love interest in sight that will be disturbing her peace.

No crown prince sticking his head out on her business.

No Lord Ein too well... Actually the heroine was growing fond of the lord so she didn't mind him visiting to eat and dine.

No lying elf prince, arrogant butler, a manipulative demon lord, and some rich merchant who had all the money trying to buy her love-

None of them were in sight!

And it makes her heart be at peace, but not fully for times of silence mean a storm must be brewing.

"Whew... Business is a little slow, mostly because it looks like all the ones that visited today were all the elderly." (Analissa) sighed in relief looking around the empty shop.

Thankful that no nobleman has spotted her come inside and form a crowd that they couldn't handle.

She began cleaning up the floors, sweeping and mopping happily.

"I love money~ getting money~ in a totally legal way~ yes!" The girl sang quietly to herself as she worked, making sure that no spec of dust was left leaving everything shining to the point you'd see your reflection down on the wooden floor.

And that's wood.

"Whew all done now I just have to wait for another hour and I can go home." She praises herself for the effort she did. She didn't have that many chances on cleaning much in her past life and now she's rather growing fond of the chore.

But... There was this eerie feeling that someone or something was watching her the entire time she was working, Analissa just didn't know if it was paranoia or her instincts were right since the inside of the restaurant was pretty empty nearing afternoon.

"Hmm? Is it just me or..." she looks outside the window, where she felt the stare was coming from, and sees the same bird that would usually come to her dorm room to do whatever it wanted- it was sitting in a small space near the corner of a window looking cold.

"What the bird-" (Analissa) stops herself from overreacting too much to not blow her cover and acts like everything was normal.

That bird was clearly up to something.

Analissa could never mistake it, that was the same bird from her dorm room- the one who gave her the uniform so she was sure it didn't mean any harm.

Otome Game: I, The Heroine Will Be Your Savior! (GL)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora