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But I know I'll never be alone
It's alright, we'll survive
'Cause parents ain't always right


To Jade the silent treatment was the absolute worst thing someone could do to her. She was used to physical and verbal abuse - practically begged for it - but being ignored sent her spiraling.

Which is what Robby was doing in the safety of the van after a clean-ish getaway and that may have involved Jade hanging out the window with a Trejo in hand.

The silence was visible and suffocating.

"Turn here." Jade tried order gruffly but her voice was soft, recognizing a small street with a parking lot. Johnny considered not complying, but turned all the same and parked in the lot. Once everything was off the blond turned to face Jade behind them with a scowl on his face.

"Why the hell would you bring Miguel here!?" Johnny all but yelled towards the teen, holding back as much as he could because she was their easiest hope to Miguel. "What the hell were you thinking?"

"I was thinkin' the kid all but threatened to out my illegal operation to the fuckin' public if I didn't." Jade snapped back with narrowed eyes, her gun already holstered but hands clenched in yearning at the accusing look on the idiot man in front of her. "If you got a problem with that, take it up with pendejo , but don't come yelling at me 'cause I've been trying to get that kid away from danger but he just seems to fuckin' love it!"

Johnny opened his mouth with anger on his lips, but a look from Robby simmered him down enough to rub his hand over his face to calm down. Slightly. "...What do you mean?"

Jade also relented some of her anger at the obvious attempt at meeting in the middle. She swallowed, cracking her hands to relax.

"Miguel is being manipulated by a very, very bad man... a fuckin' terrible excuse of a human." Jade sneered at the thought of her sperm donor using Miguel to get to her. "But he won't listen to me!"

For the first time since their fight Robby spoke up, sending a pant through her chest because fuck she missed Robby. "Why should he listen to you?"

Jade snorted sardonically at the question, looking over at the brunette with a smirk that didn't match her eyes.

"He's my sperm donor, I think I know asshole when I see it." There was a new silence and the air shifted, sending Jade's smirk into a frown as the guys exchanged a look. "What? Surprised I wasn't fuckin' made in a lab or some shit?"

"...we know he's with someone dangerous." Robby decided to reply but slowly as if he didn't know what to say and the words that he was holding onto could nuke a village. He hesitated and Johnny rolled his eyes, interrupting his biological son. "Because, well-."

"Because he's with his dad. The man Carmen ran away from."

Her brain rarely stopped working unless it was high off of whatever dumb shit she had unfortunately touched, but this. This had her brain beyond short circuiting and straight to off.

Because well, Hector is with Miguel.

And Miguel is with his dad.

And Hector is her dad.

A-and and... Miguel was with him.

Well and Hector...


Miguel is her...

"Fuck." Jade hissed out, shoving her hands over her face as dots started to click while fear built in her chest like a fungus. If Hector knew he had a son, a son who could fight, he'd never let the kid go and Miguel...

Miguel was too good for this life.

With eyes of steel, Jade looked over at Johnny and pushed back all the emotions weighing her down, an envelope with an address weighing down in her pocket heavily.

"We need to go get him. Now."

"Yeah, well, that's kind of the plan." Johnny replied sarcastically, turning back around and gesturing the the empty road in front of him in frustration. "You're full of surprises, so what's one more. Come on, punk. You know where the hell the kid is right-?!"

"Yes, I know where Miguel is." Jade interrupted with a roll of her eyes, decided to ignore the condescending tones and pulling out the store address where she had recently gone to tie up one of her dads deals. "The weird FBI shirts made the fucker think you guys were the real FBI - lord only knows why - and if I know my shitty Sperm donor it's that he runs from his problems."

"Yeah, I'm not going to pretend to care about all of those issues." Johnny replied, snatching the address and ignoring the scoff of indignation from Jade. "But, I can respect the help. Thank you."

"Oh." Jade didn't mean for the one syllable letter to pop out from her lips, but the shock of being show gratitude at all, much less Johnny Lawrence, had thrown her off guard. Awkwardly the punk shifted in her seat and looked out of her window, feeling oddly warm in the face. "D-don't mention it... please."

Johnny snorted as the van roared back to life and his eyes cut to the emotionally stunted girl sitting behind Robby through the rear view mirror. "I'm still upset with how you treated my students."

"Yeah, I don't really give a fuck what you think, old man." Jade retorted with crossed arms, not bothering to put any real edge in her voice, matching Johnny's tone. "Each and everyone person in the karate bullshit was an asshole at some point. Ain't nobody deserve any sympathy at this point."

Especially me.

But she'd never say that out loud.


Miguel blinked at Jade.

And Jade rolled her eyes back.

As soon as Miguel rolled open the van door to get in he was met with the crossed arm punk sitting on the other side and he was only mildly shocked at the view. Jade had stopped surprising him since she pulled a gun on him.

Quietly he got into the van, the rain the only thing keeping the silence from being nauseating, and stared at the floor board with a million thoughts in his brain.

"...he's uh, running. South, I think. Lay low so... I don't think you'll be bothered for a while."

"Huh." Jade relaxed against her car seat wondering just how that freedom came so quickly... but now there wa another problem. "I can't... I can't go back to California."

"Alright sounds good to me." Johnny said quickly, but both of the boys gave him near matching glared and the man let out a tired sigh. "I mean, why can't you?"

She decided quickly that she no longer cared.

"That fuckwad Terry made me promise to never come back or he'd ruin my life."

The sound of leather warping filled the car as Johnny squeezed harshly in frustration. "Yeah, well, I've never been good at following the rules and it seems neither are you."

" ain't wrong."


And that was the end of the conversation. The only time the four really spoke was when they stopped for gas or food, Jade and Miguel did most of the talking, but there was never a conversation. Jade. Texted her cousins the deets and tossed her burner.

And as the California sign came into view, Jade let out a shaky breath.

Because shit was about to hit the fan.

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