Drug Me

392 16 6

~I'm so fucking tired, I gotta stay awake~

~I'm runnin' late I gotta make it through the day and make my time go by~

"New song?"

Jade nodded with happiness in her eyes. 

"Yes, new song! When you get out of here I'm taking you to one of our concerts and you'll be one of the firsts to experience it!" Robby chuckled and leaned forward with his elbows on the table.

"Really? I'm honored." Jade put her own elbows on the table to and leaned forward with a smirk. Robby's eyes looked down and he smiled, pointing out the free arms. "Hey, you're cast free!" 

"I was wondering when you'd notice, guapo!" Jade showed off her arms to the teen, exaggerating her movements. "It's still not quite where it used to be, but el viejo has been training me to get my strength up." 

"Has Miyagi-Do said anything?" Jade's smile dropped a little before dropping all the way as she let out a sigh. Robby felt bad for running the good mood. "Hey, we don't have to-"

"No, it's fine. I've seen them at school, but it's like I don't exist or they're afraid of me." Jade gripped her arms in frustration. "I don't really understand it but even he is treating me like I'm a freak." Robby looked at the girl with sympathy and went to grab her hand before remembering getting yelled at the last time he had visited. 

"Five minutes."

Jade smirked weakly at the boy in front of her and leant back in her seat. Robby sighed and crossed his arms. 

"Looks like we're running out of time, eh, guapo?" Robby gave a small smile at the girl as they enjoyed the last few minutes together. Jade narrowed her eyes and sent a nod towards Robby's face. "Hey, don't think I didn't notice the new shiner. You causing fights?" 

"Nothing I can't handle, Jade." Robby shrugged the concern off. Before Jade could open her mouth, the guard announce that the time was up. Robby rolled his eyes at the green ones that stayed narrowed. "Really, I'll be fine."

The two teens stood up together and Jade allowed the concern to be buried for later. Instead, she awkwardly looked around at the families hugging each other. 

"So, see you later?" Robby chuckled and smirked at the girl, opening his arms.

"What, no hug? I thought the scars and bruises made me look hot." Jade's face went warm as she scoffed at the teasing. Robby wiggled his hands a little. "C'mon, one hug?" 

Jade snorted and blessed Robby with a quick hug, but before she could back away, Robby held on and used one hand to give the teen a noogie. Jade let out a squeak and half-heartedly attempted to get away from the teen, not aligning Robby to see the fun on her face.

"Get off me, you jerk!" Jade laughed as Robby finished his assault and pushed the girl away lightly. "D-damn pendejo. You're lucky I don't have a mohawk no more. You wouldn't have a hand!" Robby chuckled and followed the prisoners towards the door back to the prison, causing Jade to frown lightly. He paused, not liking the frown on her face. Robby tapped his knuckles lightly on Jades chin.

"Hey, stop frowning. I'll see you soon?" Jade smiled lightly and nodded her head, shoving her hands in her pockets. 

"Yeah, see you soon guapo."


"So, you're serious?"


"No catch?"

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