Imminent War

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~What is this world trying to do to me~
~Sometimes I gotta find a way out~
~Just like an animal trapped in a cage~
~About to explode, I gotta get out~

"For the last time, pendejo. Es fútbol, not 'soccer.'"

"No, you dumb whore. It's soccer."

"Everyone else in the world calls it football! No one says soccer, that's such a dumb name!"

"Yeah, well don't like it, go back to where you're from."

"I'm from California, you racist dipshit."

The team of red jerseys watched with amusement as Hawk and Jade went back in forth with their normal round of insults and unnecessary sexual tension. It was no secret that the two were definitely fucking behind closed doors, but there was no relationship besides anger. To the other cobra's it became a game of who would start it and who would end it.

Jade picked up a red jersey between her finger tips and looked at it with exaggerated disgust. "Why red?" Hawk rolled his eyes, shoving the jersey over his uniform.

"Because skins isn't allowed anymore because of women-"

"Like you wanted a sunburn on you pasty white ass-"

"And two..." Hawk sent a smirk over to Jade while pointing at his hair. Jade looked at the hair with a bored expression before exaggerating a surprised look, open mouth and all, hands slapped to her face.

"Wowowowow. That's soooo cool!" Some of the other boys snickered, before stopping when Hawk flinched towards them like he was going to hit them. As quick as it started, Jade dropped the expression and finished with an eye roll. It was bad enough she had to wear the stupid PE uniform. Now she had to wear his color. 

"Whatever, come on guys. Let's go." Hawk led the group over to the otherwise of the field in an almost military formation. Jade rolled her eyes and scoffed, shoving her hands in her pockets and trailing after the group with an attitude. 

It was one of the more cringey things she had seen the group do. 

Jade was trying to hide her excitement. She loved fútbol. It was one thing she remembered doing with her family and cousins when her parents allowed her to go. She was really good at it and if it wasn't for music and, y'know, depression she'd probably would have tried to get on a team.

But life sucks, fucks you sideways, and shits you out.

Her love and skill for soccer wasn't forgotten by Hawk as he recalled her talking about it a few nights from before. Which is why he gave her a forward position, knowing she would excel. 

Jade glanced over at the nerds and saw the look in Sam's eyes and made her way over to Hawk.

"Hey, just thought you should know princesa over there is plotting something." Hawk took a glance over his shoulder at the person in question, watching as the team huddled and made small glances over to his team. Nodding, he looked forward.

"What do we do?" Jade paused, noting that he asked her for her opinion and advice. No mocking, no anger... an actual question. She hesitated for a moment and glanced at the other cobras as they listened carefully. What should they do?

Ignore them and play the game? She hadn't had a good game of fútbol in forever and she really didn't want the game to be ruined by... assholes on either side. Jade took one last glance at Demetri and the small grin he wore as Sam laughed at what ever stupidfuckingnogoodpieceof shit joke he said. She nodded to herself and turned around. Steeling her gaze she smirked around and gave a shrug.

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