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~I wanna feel the chaos

I wanna hear the uproar

A little pandemonium

I know I'm not the only one~

"I still don't feel like this is a good idea." Complained Jade, as she walked behind the team drastically. "Something seems fishy."

Robby paused, considering the punk's comment. Although it came off as whiny and annoying, the teen knew by now that Jade was smarted than people thought. 

Kyler snorted at the paranoid girl. "Yeah, what could they do here?"

An eyebrow raised up and she started counting on her fingers. "Call the cops, trespassing. Call the cops, breaking and entering. Call the cops, hooligans trying to start a fight. Call the cops-"

"Okay, we get it Jade damn." Tory interrupted with a groan, but even with the punk still listing ways it could go terribly wrong, the Cobras headed into the circle.

Jade stopped eventually and made sure she had an eye on Kenny. 

The sprinklers.

Instead of the rage everyone felt at the surprise shower, Jade let out a loud boisterous laugh.

"Fuck, I didn't think about that one!" They wanted her angry, frustrated, annoyed. "Why are you angry, don't fucking give them what they want." And they all paused, looking at the punk. "Laugh, smile, play. They're watching in their cars. They want us miserable."

Robby and Tory looked at each other before smirking. Tory grabbed some mud and threw it at Kyler, and soon enough they were all running and laughing and having a good time. 

Jade looked over at the car that turned their headlights on and ginned, knowing they could see her. Two birds with one stone; her group was having fun like proper kids and she knew the kids in the car were pissed.

She threw a middle finger in the air and then turned around to join the fun, quickly tackling Robby and wrestling in the mud.


Now that Hawk was no longer apart of the dojo, Jade had to sit with Kyler and the rest of the squad alone. Not that it was much of a challenge, they weren't super terrible to be around. Somehow, the bully had toned it down a bit with his onslaught on the weak.

At least, he didn't do it in front of her anymore. Which, at this point, was all she could ask for. The current topic at hand was this Saturday, the 23rd, and Jade had to keep telling them to shut the fuck up before someone overhears and ruins their surprise. 

And one glance at the newly purple mohawk made the punk smirk. 

"That purple looks wacky." Kyler snorted, sitting next to the punk and throwing an arm around her chair. "Can you believe he did that to his hair?"

"Ugly-ass is filled with dumb decisions, man." Doug responded, take a sip of his drink. "Left Cobra Kai and everything." The rest of the table chuckled, continuing the roast of Hawk. Jade smirked, chuckling at the jokes and joining in on occasion.

"Oye, the loser is just trying to distract attention away from the scar on his face. Barney-lookin' ass..."

As if he could feel the stares and comments (which he probably could, they didn't bother hiding it), Hawk turned towards their table with a glare. Green eyes crashed into blue, and Jade waved her fingers at the boy mockingly. Her rings made small rings as they smacked against each other. 

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