When the Seasons Change

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~When the seasons change
And we're in for colder weather
Look for me on the divide~

"Hey, where we're you yesterday?"

These were the first words Jade was met with when she walked through her apartment doors. Immediately, the punk was on edge. Lately, she never knew if she'd get cool-Tory to smoke a joint, miserable-Tory who wanted to cry and complain, or rage-filled-Tory who would snap at the smallest of words.

"We got a concert this week. Had to practice, hung out wit my band." Jade stayed on the other side of the kitchen island, Tory was on the other settled in a beanbag. "That cool with ya, reina?" The punk missed Robby's intro class to Miyagi-Do yesterday, instead choosing to be with her people.

Tory snorted and took a sip of her coke. "You don't need permission from me to do anything."

"Sure feels like it, ever since you decided to go psycho bitch mode on my face."

"Yeah, but you didn't stop me."

With a roll of her eyes, Jade put down the bags she was carrying and started to slowly put away her groceries, never letting her guard down.

"What can I say. Got a humiliation kink I guess."

A sigh escaped Tory's lips and she looked at the coffee table. A single had reached out to grab a familiar worn out book. "What do you even have in here?"

"Have in whe-" Jade had been face in the fridge before she turned around and felt her heart skip a beat. "Don't touch that."

The 'blonde' paused for a second before snorting. "It's just a book, Jay. No big deal."

Yes. Big deal. That was her only room of privacy outside of her head. Her dreams, failures, sex life, relationships, depression, happiness... all in that book. That was Jade's book.

"Seriously, Tory." Jade lost any trace of humor or insincerity from her voice and posture. "If you touch that book I will hit back this time."

Tense. Air thick like breathing Jello. Muscles taught like a tight rope. Jaw clenched like an alligator snapping on his pray.

Tory narrowed her eyes at the threat, weighing out the pros and cons of opening that damned book. She started moving again after a few harsh moments.

"Hey, Jade. I was thinking- oh hey." Robby walked in through the door and setting his bag down, effectively dissipating the tension. "What are you doing here?"

Tory shrugged and pulled herself out off of the bean bag. "Just checking in on Jade. She missed your practice yesterday and I was worried."

"Worried my ass. You afraid I followed Hawk to the Eagle Dorks." Jade rolled her eyes, calling out the true intentions. "What, gonna beat me up again if I was?"

"Maybe." Snapped Tory as she walked closer to the girl. Robby could feel himself deflate, wondering if he'd ever escape fighting.

"Ah Dios...." Jade muttered under her breath, just wanting a few days to heal from getting the shit beaten out of her. "Listen, reina. I ain't got no fight for you. I left with you, fought by you. You've got some serious trust issues."

Before Tory could retort, Robby stepped in. "Listen guys. Arguing isn't going to solve anything."

Jade nodded in agreement, pulling out her knife. "Mi mariposa can solve a lot of things."

"What? No, Jade..." Robby grabbed the knife from the girl and sighed, a headache forming behind a sickening air of nostalgia. "What I mean is, if we're gonna take down the other two, we have to stick together." Keene glanced at Tory. "That means no more picking fights with team members. Jade stood up for you at the house fight. Not anyone else." Tory scoffed, but looked away. Jade smirked.

"And you." Jade frowned, and pointed to herself when Robby turned to her.

"Y mi??"

"Yes, you." Robby rolled his eyes and put down his pointed finger. "Stop antagonizing and being self destructive. We're not gonna get better if you keep putting yourself in danger." It was Jade's turn to scoff, crossing her arms and looking away with attitude.

Robby narrowed his eyes at the two attitude stricken girls. "Shake on it."

And it was Jade who caved in first. She never hated Tory, understanding her demeanor was a result of situation. At least her tia wasn't a manipulative bitch trying to ruin her life.

"I ain't apologizing for anything I've done." Jade was serious. She didn't want to live with regret.

Tory let out a smirk and chuckle. "Yeah, well. Me neither."

Robby let out a sigh of relief. The tension was released, but still held on by a few strings. The boy looked over at Jade with a smirk.

"If you're gonna start listening-"

Jade held a hand up, stopping the teen before he could finish. "Yeah, still not gonna wear them fuckin' pajamas."

"You'll never rank up."

"You really think that's what I care about?"

Tory shrugged. "Who knows what you care about."

The punk held up three fingers. "Three things. Drugs, sex and rock n' roll, baby. The only three things I need."


Class was weirder now. With the recent subtraction of students and Robby teaching Miyagi-Do, the tempo had changed.

It wasn't as bright anymore without the brightly colored boy. It almost felt grim and Jade found herself even more annoyed at the teen for leaving her there alone.

Jade watched the smoke leave her mouth and disappear before her. The back door area had become her spot to meditate, but she found that she missed the fish pond more and more each day.

"Ms. Lester." Green eyes pitched to the side.


A routine of smoke breaks before class and sometimes after. "Your morals and ethics are shitty."

Kreese chuckled with his lips around his cigar. "True. But so are yours."

"Oh definitely." Jade nodded in agreement. "I don't think I have anything to fight for. I just fight."

Kreese didn't respond, but looked at the girl. She was self destructive to the core and a wild card. Jade Lester was willing to do the nasty tasks as long as it got what she needed in the end, especially if it caused harm to herself.

"So who's the boyfriend you've been trying to get over here? Getting too old to manage yourself? LaRusso hit ya too hard."

The old man shrugged, the smoke blowing out of his nose. "Terry Silvers. I served with him back in 'Nam."

"Fuck, so he's crazy too?"

John sighed. Not anymore, sadly is what he wanted to say. "Working on it." Jade snorted.

"Yeah. Definitely fucking crazy."


4/17/2022 pt 2

Updated and added some context, things got deleted and anyways..... uploading more ina bit


SO I wrote like 8 chapters but they weren't in order at ALL so I confused myself and then some got randomly deleted and I just-

have this before I explode. I think im just going to upload all of the ones I have right now lol


Terry Silvers. Yucky.
Also, a new son soon!!!??? And like drama and a backbone and and and

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