The Perfect Drug

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~My blood, it wants to say hello to you
My fears, they want to get inside of you
My soul, it's so afraid to realize
How very little there is left of me~

"You're Spanish accent really sucks, chiqui."

Hawk rolled his eyes as the two walked to their classes, him leaving Miguel on good terms and looking forward to talking to his friend later. Jade was enjoying picking on the redhead. 

With an exaggerated sigh, Jade bumped into Hawk's shoulder, causing him to stumble slightly. With a snarl, Hawk looked over to the girl and bumped her back. "What was that for, you bitch?!"

"Because you weren't answering me, pendejo." The smirk on the bluehead's face caused Hawk to roll his eyes and sigh, letting the anger leave in droves. "What's got your panties in a twist?"

"None your business, freak." Hawk snapped at the girl, not wanting to admit to the girl that Kyler's entry to Cobra Kai was affecting him more than he'd care to admit. For Jade, it wasn't that hard to draw the lines and connect the dots ti his insecurities.

With a small snigger, Jade watched Hawk's eyes trail to Kyler and his goons entering their own class before looking forward again. He hoped she didn't see that, but she definitely did.

"Ohhhh, chiqui. I missed your insecure look, makes me feel tingly." Jade gave an exaggerated shiver and moan to add emphasis. Hawk cringed away from the reaction and smacked the girl's shoulder with his own, sending her into the lockers lightly beside her. After stumbling for a second, Jade returned chuckling to his side. "I can't decide what I like more, mi amor. Confident, sexy, Hawk. Or sweet, shy Eli-"

Hawk paid no mind as he entered his class, glad to be rid of the parasite known as Jade Lester.


"So, I was thinking about asking sensei if I could spar Lip next."

Jade sat on the lunch table, half-listening to Kyler and Charlie talk about whatever they were talking about. After the gas station scene a while back, Kyler was still in a mix of fear and respect when it came to Jade. This was only strengthened after they sparred a couple nights ago and ended with him having a bloody nose and back eye. She fought dirty, but so did Kyler. Something she found herself respecting as well.

It was when Kyler was knocked into accidentally by Demetri, when Jade started to pay attention to what was happening.

"Geez, I'm better than that." Demetri's eyes flickered over to Jade, who watched the scene from her perch. For a second, they were back at the laser tag room, him begging for help and her just... standing and watching. She watched as Kyler took the tray and patted the lanky team on the arm, as if he was helping him out. Before the bully could drop the tray in the trash, Jade sighed loudly.

"Stop." Eyes flickered over to her in surprise, Kyler holding the tray over the trashcan ready to drop any second. Sliding off the table, Jade walked over to stand beside Kyler. For a second, everyone seemed to hold their breath, wondering what her move would be. Looking over at the almost hopeful eyes of Demetri Jade felt sick.

Not of illness, but of future satisfaction at being able to rip that from his eyes mercilessly.

"Those are perfectly good Fritos, cuate." Picking the bag off of the tray, Jade slowly opened the bag, feeling Demetri deflate as the air in the bag left. Jade stuck one in her mouth and smirked over at Kyler with a shrug. "Okay, you can finish." Kyler smirked and chuckled, letting the tray go without hesitation.

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