Burn it Down

295 19 6

~We're building it up to break it back down

We're building it up to burn it down

We can't wait to burn it to the ground~

"Oye, Robby?" 

Robby turned over to face Jade on the bed. He raised an eyebrow at his name being called. "Yeah, what's up?"

It was a moment before Jade spoke up. Robby almost thought she went back to sleep or he had imagined the voice. "Do you... like being around me?" The vulnerability in Jade's voice shocked Robby.

It was rare for Jade to share feelings of such a level and it through Robby for a loop. The teen would sometimes forget that under the chains and sarcasm and leather existed a young girl who just wanted to be... 

"Turn around." 

Jade almost wanted to cry, thinking the teen didn't want to talk with her but again... punks don't cry.

After taking her time to face the wall, two warm arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her into a chest. Once tense, Jade felt all of it leave her her body as she relaxed in the safety of Robby. 

There were no other words said as the two listened to the fain creaking of neighbors and nighttime highway motorist. The two enjoyed each other's warmth and comfort as they lulled into a comfortable sleep. 

One that neither of them had enjoyed in many, many years.


While Jade was in school, Robby found himself doing one of two things. Either cleaning up the disgusting apartment or at the dojo using the gym to workout. Jade had a weird stock of ramen, beer, ham, cheese, and 8 cokes that he had never seen her touch before. Honestly, it was strange that she was even alive.

So, Robby found himself mentioning to Kreese about the situation and was surprised when the next day the old man gave the kid some groceries. 

"Take care of yourself and her, kid." 

No other sign of coercion or anything. No 'come join Cobra Kai' or guilt tripping. 

And with those groceries, Robby would make Jade eat healthy for once in her life. 

And Jade enjoyed it. Jade never had someone to come home to. She never had come home to a clean apartment. Most of all, Jade never had used the stove before. 

Jade would leave school, go to the dojo, work out, go home, eat with Robby, talk with Robby, laugh with Robby, hang out with Robby, sleep with Robby...

Go to her concerts with Robby.

She felt safe with Robby.


Even Hawk was seeing a change in Jade over the past week and found himself even raging at the older teen. Ever since that jerk got out of juvie, Jade no longer met Hawk in the men's bathroom or behind the school for a quickie. The two argued less and Jade no longer antagonized the red head anymore.

It was all so frustrating. 

"Hey, Hawk. You coming tonight?"

Hawk blinked himself out of his pity party before looking over a Kyler in question. "Tonight?"

Kyler nodded with a smirk and nodded over to Jade at the lunch table. "Yeah, man. We're all going to watch Jade's band tonight, remember? You still comin'?" Hawk met Jade's eyes and tried to use whatever brain power existed to see what was in her head.

Would Robby be there? What would she sing? Would he kiss her pick? What about-

"Yeah, I'll be there. Shit's dope as fuck." 

The other cobras nodded, looking forward to the show. Kyler directed his attention to the punk, feeling a little cocky with his interactions with the punk. Now that she was on his side, he no longer felt in total fear around the chick. The asian kid gestured at the leather jacket. "Ah, yo, Lester. Why you always wearing the same tattered leather jacket?" 

Jade looked down at the jacket, pulling at a newly patched area. The hole came from a rather rough... encounter with Hawk a week and a half ago, and she had just gotten around to fixing it last night. With a grin, Jade looked around the table.

"A leather jacket is a punk's identity. Our literal sweat, blood, tears... this is what keeps society knowing that I don't fuck around." The blue head pointed to different patches that she had sewn on and what they meant, obviously enjoying talking about something she was passionate about.

Hawk couldn't help but sneer at the happiness that showed on Jade's face. Her jacket meant a lot to her and for some reason seeing her happy...

Made him pissed.


"So, you and Keene fucking?"

Maybe she should have been surprised at being cornered after school by the red head, but she wasn't. She was surprised he didn't come sooner. With an annoyed sigh, Jade turned around to face Hawk.

"Why, wanna join?"

Hawk growled, taking a step toward the girl. "Cut the shit, Jade. We haven't done anything since the little asshole came out." Jade scoffed, crossing her arms at the audacity.

"We ain't together, chiqui. You ever heard the term of a hate fuck? Fuck buddies?" With a smirk, Jade took a step towards Hawk and looked at him challengingly. "We ain't exclusive." 

Grabbing her arms, Hawk pushed Jade up against her car and looked down at her with an angry snarl. "You're mine. I don't want you with him." 

"Not really your judgement to make, is it?" Leaning in a little, as if to kiss the red head who followed her in, Jade stopped mere seconds away form his lips and whispered. "Plus, he really ain't all that little."

Hawk searched Jade's eyes for the Jade he originally had met. The one who stood up for him and taught him to be Hawk. He found the flicker of a flame akin to the one that burned him all those months ago and stayed trapped in it. How far had they come?

When he had gotten with Moon, he thought that he had made it. That this was the girl for him. But he was wrong. 

"You dumb fucking whore."

"I think my grade in Calculus is higher than yours"

Fuck, he hated her. 

"I hate you."

No he didn't.

"Good, because I like another."

Yes she did.



Two updates because I can


It's short cause yeah, I wanted it to be.

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