Could Have Been Me

190 11 3

I wanna live better days
Never look back and say
Could have been me

Jade was in a fucking fantastic mood the day after spending the night at Eli's house. The two talked, cuddled, got intimate, and just had a great time.

So when she opened the door to her apartment to a Robby Keene holding up a familiar men's jacket with a frown, her face dropped and she cursed.


And she sat on a bean bag chair with Robby in front of her, neither of them speaking for a while.

"So, it's Eli." Robby stated nodding to the girl. "Prom night?"

"Yep." Jade confirmed, deciding not to hide it anymore. "Love a good nerdy dick."

Robby sighed, and rubbed his chin. "So you're happy?"

Jade paused not expecting that question. "Uh, yeah. Very happy. Happiest I've been in a long fucking time." Robby nodded and smacked his knees as he got up from the chair.

"Aright, just be careful."

The punk blinked at her roommate feeling very lost. "That's it?"

"You and I both know that there's no changing your mind." The brunette shrugged as he went over and grabbed a water from the fridge. Robby smirked at the girl knowingly. "I'm just glad you're crush on me died."

"Okay what the fuck is going on." Jade stared loudly, as if she could pretend nothing happened. The punk looked around frantically. "Am I getting punk'd? Hidden cameras? I'll start stripping so you get pedophile charges-"

Robby only laughed, enjoying the stumbling and babbling punk. He was a dropout, not stupid. And well, at first the brunette was attracted to the punk, thinking maybe she would be a good date when they first met. But as time went on, Robby started feeling protective.


He enjoyed taking care of Jade in the way a sibling might take care of each other. He enjoyed seeing the colorful teen look and act her age. Which is why he cleaned and cooked, reminded her to do her homework, and kept an eye on her. Robby cared for her in a way no body cared for him.

(That was the last time either of them spoke about her one sided crush on Robby for many years.)

"So, we were right about the one sided thing, huh?" Rum asked without tact. Lacey gave a slap on the mans arm causing him to hiss in fake pain. "Abuse!"

"Oh puh-lease, you take more in bed." The blonde rolled her eyes at her ginger boyfriend before looking at her watch. "Alright you idiots, performance in... 2 hours. Jade, you got to go get ready with your team."

Jade rolled her eyes and waved the woman off, earning a wack on the back of her head. "Oh fuck, Jesus woman." The punk hissed, grabbing the back of her head. "Bitch."

"Takes one to know one." Lacey stuck her tongue out childishly before pushing the teen out of the room. "Now go do snake things. We'll be cheering!"

"I'll be napping." Blade corrected, cuddling onto a couch. "But yeah. Go Jade."

The punk rolled her eyes and looked at the band with fondness. Tonight was the night.

Tonight was the night that would determine if she'd stay with the cobra's or abandon them. Part of the punk was nervous to do so, her friends there had literally saved her life.

And then Kenny.

But... as the girl checked the message on her phone she sighed quietly.

It's not like any of it would matter after tonight.

But with a shake of her head, Jade decided to focus as much as she could on the present and enjoying being surrounded by good people, performing, and showing off her knife skills.

Jade's first love was her mariposa, the weapon that kept her safe for most of her life. She was amazing with a weapon and so it came to no surprise that she ended up performing at the performance round with her knives.

The punk nodded at the score, honestly a little shocked and stunned that she did something that well. As she was leaving, she passed by Eli who was about to start setting up. The kid 'accidentally' dropped his boards and Jade immediately stopped to help him.

"Didn't know you were a klutz." The girl commented casually, a smirk threatening to grow on her face. Eli shrugged.

"Didn't know you weren't a bully."

Jade rolled her eyes and playfully shoved the boards to the nerd, trying to appear menacing to those peering at the two. The punk lowered her voice. "Wanna make out after your set?"

Eli whispered back, trying not to give anything away. "Meet you at the boys bathroom in the back hallway 8 minutes after."

And Jade scoffed as she stalked off,trying the kid continue his set up. When she went to stand next to Robby, the brunette gazed down at her with a knowing smirk. "Oh shut up."

As soon as the teen's foot left the mat, Jade times for six minutes with the clock before heading to the bathroom. The next couple of minutes was filled with a shaky leg that lead to her putting on a nicotine patch and popping in a piece of gum.

The teen was already frustrated after having to take out all of her piercings, something about safety for her and her opponents. She scoffed at that excuse, knowing it was more of a political move. She never had a problem with them before.

While pacing, the girl was grabbed by the shoulders and shoved against the lockers nearby. Green eyes widen and prepared to fuck up whoever thought this was a good idea, but familiar lips latched onto hers.

Jade laced her hands into Eli's hair, pulling him closer while the boys own hands trailed up and down the girl's body. When Eli pulled back with heavy breath a smirk was on his face as he stared at a winded Jade.

"You let all the boys shove you against the lockers and make out with them?"

"Only the nerdy ones." Jade replied a smirk on her face as her thumb rubbed the back of Eli's neck.

The nerd rose an eyebrow in question. "So you and Demetri....?" He trailed off.

Jade nodded seriously. "If Demetri came over to me and shoved me against the wall, my underwear would fall off." Eli scrunched his nose a little disturbed. "What? You asked."

Eli scratched his cheek with one of his hands. "Yeah, but I didnt think you'd be so..." the boy trailed off realizing any adjective he used to describe the punk would actually be a perfect description. So instead the nerd sighed and shook his head. "Never mind."

Jade snorted and used her hands to guide Eli back to looking at her. "So I guess if you want to keep me, you better win." A smirk grew on Eli's face as he chuckled, his thumb rubbing her cheek causing a shiver to go down her spine.

"Don't worry about that, 'cause even if I lose, I win."



My OC is singing at the tournament?



Because it's a Wattpad fanfic!!!!!!!


Btw I love this song
So much

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