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~Hear me from the bottom
Forged in regret, I'm the silversmith
Doomsday, you had it coming
Marching the streets with an iron fist~

Hawk was lying on his living room couch doing homework like a good little nerd when his phone buzzed. Leaning forward with a sigh he grabbed the device off the coffee table and frowned at the person calling.


"HEEY!" Hawk winced at the overly excited scream. "W-where are you?"

"Jade, are you drunk?" There was silence for a while, causing Hawk to feel concern build up in his chest. "Jade?"

"Hm?" Hawk's shoulders relaxed. "Did you not see me nod my head?" Hawk could of sworn he had heard a mumbled 'idiot' following the question.

A sigh escaped the mohawk teen's mouth. "No, Jay. We're on the phone."

"Oh, fuck. Right." Jade chuckled a little. "Why... are we on the phone?"

Hawk let out a small smirk. "You called me, remember?"

"Fuck no I don't!" A large laugh fell out the punk's lips and Hawk tried to memorize the sound through closed eyes. To hear her sound so relaxed and free made him feel better. "B-but, you're coming right?"

This time Hawk let out a chuckle of his own and switched ears. "Depends on where I'm going, Jay."

"Practice, dumbass." A frown replaced Hawk's small grin, and a pit formed in his stomach. "Y-you're not here."

Hawk closed his laptop, his eyebrows furrowing deep as he asked. "Jade, where are you?"

"Outside." The teen stood up, heading over to the key rack to find his keys as he continued to talk to Jade and keep her on the phone.

"Where exactly outside?"

There was a long silence - eight seconds - and during that eternity Hawk's heart increased drastically. He was out the door going to his car when he said her name.


"Outside where?"

Jade snorted as she rolled over in the grass. The phone was on speaker next to her head as she looked at the slow swimming fish in the pond and let her finger tips graze the pond. Her eyelids were starting to grow rocks. "W-when did we... renovations?"

"I'll be right there, Jade. Don't move." He didn't have to ask again where the punk was. The location already a familiar and a quick drive away. "Stay on the phone, ok?"

Jade let out a sleepy hum and flopped on her back. The sky was cloudy and she felt a shot of annoyance shoot through her at not being able to see the stars clearly. "I... can't see anything."

Hawk's frowned deepened and he hesitated. "Are your... are your eyes closed?"

"... Oh."

Taking a turn, Hawk chuckled a little. Jade was in a very giggly mood. "What's got you so happy?" He was only a few minutes way and if he could just keep her awake for just a bit longer...

A snort was heard through his speaker. "Because... I'm numb. Jade no feel... Jade very happy." Well, there went any smile or humor in Hawk's body. "Jade here... meditate, remember?"

"No, Jay. I don't." The familiar Japanese house came into view and Hawk noticed her car no where to be found. He felt a little better knowing she didn't drive drunk at least. "I just pulled in."

"'Kay...." Jade reached a tired hand and pressed the end button, then returned to closing her eyes and focusing on the sounds of the water. When footsteps got closer and a body sat next to her head, she hushed the boy.

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