Once was I

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~Remembering those late nights
And the stories that you'd tell
If I'd look at it through your eyes
Could I see your living hell~

"Honestly, what the fuck is wrong with your brother?" Jade asked Rum as they sat in his garage. The band had just finished practicing Jade's newest creation and Rum was complaining about his brother who stilled acted like a kid.

"I don't know, man." Rum sighed, taking a sip of his beer. "My sister is a fucking saint for taking him in. I do not have the patience for him anymore."

"What did he do again?" Scooter asked, trying to remember what the guy had done. "Didn't he like beat up a kid or something?"

"No freaking idea. And I really don't care." Rum rubbed his face with his free hand and sighed. "I can't believe he's older than me, thinks he's unironically 17, and somehow I'm the disappointment of the family."

"It's because no matter what he does he doesn't play in a band, have tattoos, and be suspected of devil worship." Commented Jade, cracking her neck and laying her feet on the coffee table. "As long as he's not doing any of that, he's still considered 'normal' which is desired in the society. Better to be a deadbeat than one of us."

Blake nodded raising his own beer. "I'll drink to that."

The band clinked their bottles together and took a sip. After a nice moment of comfortable silence, Blake's brain began to narrow on a thought and a smirk grew.

"Oh no..." Jade grumbled, already sensing the trouble before he even looked at her.

"Oh Jay~" The red head sang as he stared at the girl with a grin. "You going to prom?"

Jade scoffed and finished off her beer. "Fuck no. Who do you think I am?"

"I don't know Jade. I think you should go." Scooter suggested, a smirk on his face as well. "A nice pretty dress..."

"Not you too, Vespa." Jade groaned out, throw her head back. "Leave me and my angst alone."

"Why not go?" Blake pressed.

"I counter with, 'why go?'" The punks challenge with narrowed eyes. "What's your angle?"

Blake let out a hum, his leg shaking up and down as he thought. Instead of replying to the girl, he turned to his boyfriend. "I'm on team Hawk."

Scooter scoffed and looked at the fake-redhead in faux disgust. "Absolutely not. We all know that she's better with Robby, right Rum?"

The oldest of the group scratched his beard in thought before replying. "I think that's very one sided though."

"You're kidding me." Jade stated incredulously. Was the group actually discussing her love life? "My love life is not up for debate!"

"Who brought the 'l' word in here?" Blake grinned like a cat. "Who are you in love with?"

Jade let out a frustrated groan, burying her face into one of the pillows on the couch.

"It's definitely Eli." Stated Blake confidently.

Scooter scoffed shaking his head in denial. "Absolutely not. They literally terrorize each other. Call Britney 'cause that shit toxic."

"If it's the brunette, it's definitely one sided and doomed to fail." Rum said casually.

Jade just watched wide eyed and in shock as the adults in her life continued to debate who she should end up with. This was supposed to be about prom, not fucking boys!

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