Empty Eyes

133 6 3

it's like my soul is see through
right through my empty eyes


As soon as Jade stepped foot into the motel room and saw the queen bed in the middle of the room, a huge sigh left her lips. She threw her bag down on the floor, kicked her shoes off, laid her jacket carefully over a kitchen chair, and jumped into the bed.

"Miggy, can you set an alarm for 30 minutes?" Jade mumbled out nearly incoherent, her body fighting the urge to melt into the mattress totally. Miguel let a soft noise of confirmation from his spot on the small chair in the corner, putting a 45 minute timer on his phone because Jade needed as much as she could get. "...thanks"

He changed it to an hour.

The plan was simple.

Jade would go off to complete her service commitment while Miguel went to a nearby address to finally meet his dad - who apparently he found the address to somehow...? She didn't quite understand where the location came from and to be honest, she didn't really care as long as she knew where he was and he was back at the time agreed upon late that night.

But first, she needed to nap and nap she did. Jade was only mildly pissed off when she woke up and found out Miguel had set an hour timer instead of what she had asked for, complaining lightly compared to previous transgressions upon her. That extra 30 minutes was unfortunately needed.

And so Jade left Miguel to go on his adventure and she went on her own, driving a few minutes away to meet her cousins and consequently her sperm donor. It had been years since the last time she had seen her dad, but not heard from him. Letters with instructions or men with directions would find their way to her on occasion to keep his money where he wanted it, but otherwise this would be the first time since she was emancipation that she would see either parent.

Jade was deep in her mind, her hands gripping the steering wheel tightly and eyes darting in every direction on a rotation before she pulled in and stared at the two story building her father owned - where her cousins waited - and operated out of in the city. She counted to 100, tried to imagine the relaxing pond that kept her grounded, before giving up and smoking a cigarette to calm herself down.

She took a final drag, held it until it burned, then threw it on the ground. With the boost of nicotine flooding her blood stream, her mind no long raced and was the calmest it would get. Once at the door, she didn't have to wait long before one of the two double footed entrances opened and granted her entrance to a new layer of hell.

As far as she knew and consequently her father, Jade was the only direct spawn of the man she knew as her father. In America he had posed as an immigrant trying to start over and give his family a life of prosperity but in reality he was only there to make roots to grow his business. The people in his city respected him as a minority would an officer in the states.

Fear and caution.

When her eyes landed on her cousins sitting together, she had to hold back the sting of tears threatening to burst and remind herself of who was around her. Not many men, but enough to ruin a reputation that was already tainted with age, gender, and relationship.

Although Diego was a jokester to the core, his eyes found her first and the small breath of relief he released was all it took for Rico to turn around and Jade watched the pinch in the artist's eyebrows relax immediately after his eyes examined her thoroughly. The teen sat at the third seat between the two quietly, examining the middle of the room with distaste.

"Hey." Diego said quietly and the English relaxed her more than she expected. Her cousin gave a light hearted kick to her foot and Jade accepted the shot of tequila handed to her, only pausing when the glass touched her lips. The cold glass on chapped lips sent her back to Kyler's house all those months ago. Seven shots, 30 days, one phone call.

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