The Reckoning

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~You took everything made me feel less than nothing
I'm getting what I came for
Like the sound of falling stars crashing in the dark
I said a prayer and buried your name~

Jade felt something snap in the back of her head at the party when Hawk offered his hand. If she was a guitar and each string represented the last of her mind, she'd be on her last string. And after a few seconds of contemplating the hand, a glass vase was thrown at her head, sending white pain down her spine.

At the wide eyed expression of the two friends, Jade turned around and felt enraged at the Eagle Fang attacker. When she noticed Hawk and Demetri made no move to defend her, she took matters into her own hands and gave the kid a bloody nose.

Ultimately denying the peace offering.

There was no time for talking after that. The two best friends took to defending once again and Jade was alone. Again. She fought every second with anger and sadness and regret. Each punch she gave she wished she got five in return.

When she went to find Tory, she found the girl on the wall held hostage by Sam. In a turn of events, this time she grabbed Sam's wrist with a snarl. "But you should fear me, princessa." Sam was surprised at the newcomer and a drop of fear entered her chest as she defended herself from the punk.

After a particularly harsh shove back, Sam stumbled back and Jade grabbed her knife. With a forearm to the neck, Jade slammed Sam into the wall and put the knife up to the girl's chin. The fear made Jade sick to the stomach.

"Do it, Jay!" She could hear the encouragement from Tory behind her to do it. But what was it? How far was Jade willing to go for her anger?

"J-jade, please." It was pathetic. The plea, the eyes, the hands on her arm trying to drag the punk off of her. It was absolutely filthy at how disgustingly pathetic this was.

"Jade! Stop it! The fights over, stop!"

Jade didn't want to stop, or maybe she did. Hawk was looking at her with pity of all things and Jade was going to throw up. As if she was a wounded animal on the side of the road, Hawk took a step forward with his hand outstretch. "Jade? It's over. It's done. You can stop."

How come it always came down to Jade being the bad guy? What did she do in life to be...

Perhaps it was the tears that had formed in the girl's eyes - but refused to drop - that made Sam's fear melt into a pathetic shad of pity. "...Jade?"

It was quiet for a while, an obvious war going through her head. Hawk carefully set a hand on Jade's shoulder, lightly pulling her away from Sam when she didn't react to the touch. When Jade finally could recognize a fraction of herself, Tory stepped in and pushed the male teen away from the girl with a sneer. "It's over Jade... You can stop now."

"It'll never be over." Tory spat as she grabbed the punk by the wrist and started pulling her out of the room. The rest of the teens looked on with a disgusting mix of pitysadnessympathysorrow.

Hope started to rush into Hawk's chest when Jade stopped, halting Tory in her tracks. Tory looked back in betrayal - she was afraid to be alone - before her eyes saw what Jade was staring at.

The horror that filled Jade was unimaginable. Her face went white and she couldn't remember the moments in between walking over to the bench at the front entrance.

It was Hawk who tried to break the silence with a glance at Tory. "Jade, wait I-"

"I wish I never had met any of you." Jade was so done with feeling emotional. The words came out hoarse, raspy, and filled with a dreadful honesty that made everyone in the room flinch. On the bench were scraps made of a familiar leather and patches and spikes. She picked up half of her most recent addition, begging herself not to cry. Her eyes met Miguel's. "Quisiera que nunca hubieses entrado en mi vida."

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