Where I'm Going

309 17 1

~Knowing me you know I'm never gonna learn~
~Get in line cause it's your turn~
~Play with fire and you're gonna get burned!~

When Jade woke up, she wasn't surprised at the headache that pounded through her brain. It wasn't the first nor was it the last, but the surprise came when she lifted a hand to reach her pain meds and she hit a face that groaned in response. 

This wasn't an unusual position for her, but it was surprising. The last thing she remembered was trying to get home and then...

Jade frowned. 

She was at his house but couldn't remember what happened after attempting assault. She took a glance down at her legs. Underwear on, shirt on, shoes off, bra off. Jade concluded nothing sexual happened.

The blue haired mess lifted herself up and swung her legs off the bed, wincing at the creaking and soreness from her legs. Jade took a second to pop her neck and stretch out her back like a cat.

Hawk was already awake staring at Jade's back while she stretched. Her shirt went up with her arms and he was graced with the tail end of the snake tattoo on her back. Hawk blushed and turned to face the ceiling, the events from last night being pulled into his head.

"Oye, chiqui." Jade snapped her fingers and Hawk had whiplash as the memories of previous snapping invaded his brain. He made eye contact and Jade narrowed her eyes at the light blush on his face. "What you so red about, this ain't the first time you slept next to me." 

Hawk stammered a little, feeling out of his element and going back to feeling like his previous persona. He forgot how intimidating Jade's confidence could be sometimes. Jade rolled her eyes and pushed herself off the bed, continuing to stretch various parts of her body as she continued. Hawk sat up on the bed allowing his eyes to trace each curve on the girl's body.

"So, did we fuck?" Jade asked nonchalantly turning around and folding her arms. She was quite a look to Hawk in her black underwear and t-shirt. Her arms showed off her muscles from playing the guitar constantly and her bed head made it look like they did just have sex. 

Hawk decided he wouldn't get from under the covers.

Jade was going to go blind from the amount of eyerolls she let out.

"You know, it's not the first time I've seen you hard, chiqui. Remember that time you spent the night after a concert and I woke up to you behind me with a-"

"Okay, okay, fuck!" Hawk waved his arms, begging the embarrassment to stop. Coughing a little, he grabbed a pillow behind him and rolled his eyes. "No, we didn't have sex last night. After you came in like a raging bitch, you moaned about some depressing shit and then passed out. I brought you up here and yeah." Hawk rubbed the back of his neck and cracked it to the right side. Jade nodded at the story and raided the boys dresser.

"H-hey, what are you doing?"

"Getting clean clothes, chiqui. Not like I haven't borrowed them before." Jade snorted, remembering the very limited times she snuck in and slept with the boy after a concert. "Stop acting like a prude." 

"I-i'm not acting like a prude! I just... fuck Jade..." Hawk whined a bit, rubbing his hands on his face as it burned hotter.

"Be proud of your little tent, chiqui. One day you might not be able to get it up anymore. Enjoy your youth while you can."

Hawk threw his pillow at the back of Jade's head who felt the oncoming assault and turned around, grabbing it with a smirk. She enjoyed the blush on his face.

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