Basket Case

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~I am one of those
Melodramatic fools
Neurotic to the bone
No doubt about it~

"Why do you wear the same ugly jacket every day?"


"What, we were all thinking it!"

And it was true. The three boys had talked about in the hallways about how the girl always had the same spiky leather jacket with frayed patches and pins. Jade always brought it, hot or cold, and she had only taken the piece of clothing off once before.

"It's more than just a jacket," replied Jade. She once again had her traditional ham and cheese in a paper bag in front of her. "It's a physical representation of my rejection to society."

Eli stared at the girl in awe.

Demetri rolled his eyes and snorted.

"I feel embarrassed for you. That is the most ridiculous thing you've said!"

"That's what you said yesterday when I told you I dyed my hair this color because I hit it on a dart board."

"Yeah, well, each day you get more ridiculous with your comments and weird stories. You expect me to believe that you broke into the school on a Saturday and spray painted the principal's desk without getting caught?!"

Jade tilted her head to the side and pretended to think about it.

"Hmmm, now that you mention it. Maybe I did make that up so that I could manipulate all of you into thinking that I'm cooler than I actually am, Tigre." Jade nodded and looked at Demetri in mock-appreciation. "Thanks, Tigre. You've opened my eyes about my evil lying ways. I'm a changed muñequita ahora."

Miguel snickered, now used to Jade's sarcasm and brash personality. She had been sitting with the boys at lunch for a while now. A typical lunch period now consisted of Demetri usually trying to provoke her in someway about her appearance or mannerisms, and Jade would bite back. Sometimes the girl would have her earplugs in and write in her journal, while the boys talked about other things and Jade would ignore the world around her.

The weird thing that Miguel noticed was that the table didn't get many visitors when the girl was present. Even Kyler and his friends would stay away when the mohawk was present.

It was kind of nice.

"Honestly, it's should be considered a weapon. I don't understand how the school let's you get away with wearing literally tiny knives through the halls." Demetri took a glance over her outfit in emphasis. "You're not even wearing a shirt!"

"I-I think it looks cool." Eli spoke up, with a red face. Not making eye contact with the girl.

Jade looked across the table at the boy with a smirk while Demetri went on to call his 'binary brother' a traitor.

Miguel just shook his head with a small smile and looked over at Jade.

"Hey, we're going to go to the library and finish eating up there. There's an assignment that we need to finish, do you want to come join us?" In all honestly, Miguel really enjoyed the girl's company. Jade added a strange color to the group that was almost... refreshing.

Jade thought about it for a moment. She didn't like the library. It's main rule was to be quiet.

For one, Jade hated rules.

For two, nothing about Jade was quiet.

The whole point of her current existence was to be loud and seen. Through all the shit and the disservice done in the school Jade wanted to be different and a difference. The library was everything she was against.

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