How Does it Feel

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~How does it feel?~

~How does it feel?~

~'Cause it's tearing me apart~

"What is she doing here?"

"Miss me, putana?

Tory was stopped by her sensei from running over to the smirking blue haired girl and starting a fight.

"Miss Lester is only here to observe, Miss Nichols. We will treat our guest with respect." Kreese shared a look with Jade who stood with her hands in her pockets, a smirk never leaving her face. Tory sneered at the girl, taking a step forward. Hawk stood next to the seething teen, shock also filling his body at the girl. He was remembering the events from the night before. "Is there a problem, students?"

There was a brief pause and Jade for a moment thought that the word yes would flow out of someone's mouth. Instead a muttered, "no sensei" went across the dojo. 

Kreese's eyes narrowed. "I said, is there a problem?" This time the response was loud and echoed throughout the room as all the students stood at attention and yelled out.

"No sensei!"

But even Jade could see it was a lie. The resentment and anger and shock filled their faces and she drank it like she had never had water in her life.

It was delicious.


"What do you think you're doing?"

There were two pests outside her door as Jade walked up the stairs of her apartment building. Snorting, Jade adjusted her dollar store groceries to one hand and pulled out her key.

"Stalking me, are you?"

"What the hell are you doing in Cobra Kai?" Snapped Tory, forcing herself into the apartment with Hawk following her. "You don't belong there."

Jade set her bags on the counter and snorted, not bothering to grace the two with a look as she started to put stuff away. "Do we really belong anywhere, basura?"

"Hey." Hawk snatched the cheap bread from the girl's hands, forcing her to look at him even if it was with annoyance. "Look at us!"

Jade went to grab the bread from Hawk but her hand was grabbed by an angry Tory. Her eyes narrowed at the hand holding her wrist. 

"Let go of me, basura."

"Tell us why you're infiltrating Cobra Kai!" 

Jade took her self out of the hold and elbowed the girl in the face. Hawk quickly let the loaf of bread fall to the floor and forced Jade's arms behind her and held her there. The blue haired girl struggled against the redhead's hold, trying to get a kick in the groin.

Tory got into the punk's face with a sneer and crossed her arms.

"I'm going to ask again. What the fuck are you doing at Cobra Kai." 

Jade spat at the girl's feet angrily, staring dead into her eyes. "Ain't none ya fucking business, basura. Get out of my apartment before you stink up the place." Jade winced as her arms were shoved up awkwardly into her back. 

A little puff of air left Jade as she was punched in the stomach. With a smirk, Jade didn't let the pain show.

"You'll have to hit hard than that. I've had worse." Hawk frowned a little. This wasn't part of the plan.

Frustrated, Tory punched Jade again, who still made no sounds of pain besides the wind leaving her. The smirk stayed present as she snarked.

"My daddy hits me harder than you."

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