S4 - Chapter Thirty Five: First Quiet Day

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"It's not exactly a safe mind set to have..."

"Where's Carol?"

"The silence scares me"

(Author's Note: The episode 'Indifference' is not set in the prison. Instead, it takes place outside on two supply runs with two separate groups. However, Due to the fact that Rain will not be on any of the supply runs, this chapter will be set back at the prison.)

~ The Next Day ~
(Don't worry, they do get sleep but Rain hasn't been getting much of it lately.)

It was quiet. For the first time in a long while, the prison were quiet, even the sick block. Yes, there were sounds of coughing and moans but it were quieter than usual.

Daryl's team weren't back from their supply run that they left for yesterday and Today Rick went out with Carol on another supply run.

Hershel has been trying his best in the sick block, helping as many patients as he could with what ever he had left. And With two leaders not here at the prison (Rick and Daryl), Rick had left me in charge.

"Rain, do you know if Daryl is back? we are running very low" Hershel asked when I passed him and I sighed, shaking my head.

"No, Hershel. I haven't checked" I snapped stressed before I sighed then turned to him, "I'm sorry, it's just that Rick has told me to do something and I haven't gotten around to it" I stated and he nodded his head at me.

"I understand. Is there anything you would like me to do?" He asked and I bit my lip.
"Rick thinks it will be best to separate the patients, Children and adults" I informed him.

"Okay, we can do that" Hershel replied and I moved closer to him, "I also think we need to prioritise patients, treat the ones that are most likely going make it. We can't afford to waste medicine" I whispered and he looked at me shocked but knew it had to been done.

"I will keep the others comfortable" He told me and I nodded my head at him.
"I'm going to bring anymore patients that might of been in contact with the infected because I can't stress this enough, we can't risk it" I informed him and he looked at me in awe.

"Rain, then I think it would be best that you don't come to see Glenn anymore" He said and I sighed. These are my orders. I'm the one to give them out so I should follow them too.

"I know" I whispered quietly, "Just make sure that he knows I haven't forgotten about him" I told Hershel and he smiled, nodding his head.

"Of course" He replied and I gave him a nod before making my way out of the cell block, making sure the gate is secured close before walking away, making my way to C block.

"Rain, what is going on?" Mason asked when I walked into the block but I didn't stop walking which made him follow me to the centre.

"Just give me a minute" I told him and he nodded before I clapped my hands to address the room, getting everyone to look at me, "If you have any symptoms or have been in contact with anyone infected then please allow me to escort you to the sick block. We have to be careful from here on, out. So, please don't be hiding that you are unwell" I explained and people started making their way to me.

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