S4 - Chapter Thirty Three: Infected

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"Stay with me, baby"

I ran up the stairs, missing a step at a time and I just stepped on the landing when I caught sight of Glenn lying on the floor, in the doorway of one of the cells, "Glenn!" I called in panic before running over to him and time seemed to be going in slow motion as I fell down beside him.

The bottom half of Glenn's face and his neck were covered in blood, "Hershel!" I yelled in major panic as time went back to normal again and I looked down at my boyfriend, he weren't breathing. So, I quickly started compressions on his chest.

"He's not breathing!" I yelled when Maggie got to me first and she ran over, sliding on her knees as she stopped by Glenn's head.

"He's choking on his own blood" Maggie stated and Hershel finally reached us, giving his med bag to Maggie and she emptied it out onto the floor, "Okay, Stop" Maggie told me and I removed my hands then she opened his mouth and shoved a silver thing down his throat.

"Stay with me, baby" I whispered, feeling the worry in my throat and panic in my bones.

"Okay, there's too much blood" Maggie stated and my eyes widened. I have the knowledge of what to do but at that moment, I just couldn't do anything, "Rain, I want you to use your palm and hit him in the chest as hard as you can" She told me and I frowned at her.

"I thought you weren't suppose to do that!"
I said raising my voice and she nodded.

"I don't think we have any other options here" Maggie replied and I nodded, waiting for her say so as she moved the silver thing in his mouth a little then nodded at me.

So, I did what she said and used my palm and hit Glenn in the chest which made him start coughing so Maggie quickly removed the silver thing then we both turned him on his side so he could cough up any blood left in his mouth.

"You were triggering his gag reflex" I stated and she nodded her head at me, "Nice thinking" I praised while rubbing Glenn's back.

"Well done, Maggie" Hershel praised as Glenn laid back on his back weakly and I chuckled in relief before laying my head on his chest.

"I'm okay" Glenn whispered weakly stroking my hair as he breathed heavily. Hershel got called away again and Maggie followed to help.

"Rain?" Glenn questioned confused and I sat back up on my knees, looking down at him.

"Yeah?" I answered and he looked at me then his eyes widened in surprise so he tried to quickly sit up but groaned in pain instead, "Hey" I repeated gently, helping him sit up.

"You're awake?" He asked quietly and I nodded before he gently pushed my hair out of my face.

"Just got out of bed" I joked to try lighten the mood and he chuckled softly before groaning, "You are going have to take it easy for a few days" I told him and he nodded his head, leaning against the wall.

"Can you please give me a hug already?" He asked and I chuckled softly.

"Didn't realise you wanted one" I replied before leaning in and giving him a hug which he put one arm around me before kissing my hair.

I pulled away and leaned my forehead on his for a moment but pulled away quickly at a loud bang so I looked at Glenn, "Go, I'll be fine" He told me and I nodded before quickly standing up and rushing out of the cell.

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