S1 - Chapter Ten: Fallen

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"Where is he?!"

We finally got to the camp and I bent over, trying to catch my breath as the group made their way over to us, my brothers coming straight to me, "Are you okay?" Miles asked.

"Just one second" I replied breathing heavily and they laughed while mocking me.

"What happened out there?" Andrea asked and I stood up straight with hands on my hips.

"Merle weren't there when we got back and then he stole our truck" Rick explained briefly.

"He what?!" Amy exclaimed surprised. Mason nudged my arm and handed me a flask which I lifted it up in thanks before taking a big gulp of it but then spat it out instanstly afterwards.

"What the?!" I exclaimed looking at Mason whose eyes widened as he quickly took another flask out of the bag and handed it to me before he switched them then tighted the lid up on the one that was not water as he tried to ignore my glares and the twins backed away, "Give me that here" I added snatching the non-water flask from his hand and he sighed defeated.

"Rain..." Mason started and I knew he was about to start an argument.

"What happened in the city?" Max asked cutting in and my face softened as I chuckled.

"I got slapped in the face by a hand that weren't attached to a body" I replied and the boys all looked at each other in confusion and I chuckled, "Let me explain" I added walking with them and they all sat around me as I told them the story and they listened, amused.

"Oh by the way, Dale lent us a spare tent he had so we can sleep in camp tonight" Mason told me pointing to the tent behind me.

"And watching the boys try and put it up was very amusing" Dale inputted walking by and I quickly stood up then stepped in front of him to get his attention and he looked at me.

"Thank you for the tent, I really appreciate it" I told him and he gave me a warm smile.

"It's no problem" He replied patting me on the shoulder gently before squeezing it and I smiled at him before returning to sit with my brothers as he walked off to do whatever.

Time passed and it started to get darker so we all moved around the fire again when Carol handed me a cup, "It's only hot water but it will warm you up" She told me and I smiled.

"Thank you" I replied and she smiled before taking a seat on the chair opposite me.

"While you were gone, we had a few walkers come by" Shane informed Rick and everyone looked worried as they tried to keep quiet about their concerns as the children were asleep.

"We should move on then, it's not safe here anymore" Rick said grabbing everyone's attention.

"Where can we go?" Lori asked and Rick sighed, frowning in thought.

"I don't know" Rick replied which seemed to not sit well with the others then he turned to look at me, "Will you be coming with us?" Rick asked and I stared at him like a deer caught in headlights as I put my cup down by my feet then looked over at my brothers who were all staring at me with hopeful eyes.

I know that they would follow me even if they don't want to and it would be selfish of me to say no because then I would only be thinking about myself.

"I guess" I replied and the boys cheered before they rushed over to me and my eyes widened as they all come at me for a hug which knocked me off the log I were sitting on.

"Thank you" They kept repeating and I chuckled along with the group that watched in awe.

Miles and Max untangled themselves from me then did a victory lap around camp as Mason helped me up then sat down beside me and put his arm around my shoulder with a smile.

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