S5 - Chapter Forty Six: Another One Bites The Dust

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"Are you fucking crazy?!"

"Let's bow our heads and pray"

We had buried Beth ourselves and Gabriel preached the service. Mason were so torn that he couldn't even stand up.

Grieve had hit him harder than it ever has before but it's different this time, Beth was his girlfriend and I know that he loved her very much and still does.

It's been while since Mason has ever loved that hard and now it has been ripped from him.

It has been at-least 17-18 days since the death of Beth and Maggie is coping but we could all tell he has hit her hard as well and Mason has changed too.

According to the twins (because he won't talk to me), Mason feels guilty, like he shouldn't of been there to protect her. He keeps saying that he should of made sure he found her before he left the prison.

He is also hurting bad, I mean I would overhear him talking about her to his brothers, he worshiped the ground she walked on. That's how much she meant to him so I know how much he is hurting right now.

The only good thing that came out of that hospital is the fact that we were reunited with my brother, Max and his girlfriend, Jellybean.

We made the 530 mile journey to where Noah said he lived. Beth promised him that he would help him get back home to his family so in honour of the deceased blond, we are helping him. We stopped on the side of the road far from a community that were in our view but of course Rick wanted to be cautious as always.

"Come on, Guys. It's just there" Noah said pointing at the secure community up head.
"Hey Kid!" I called stopping him from running off, "How long has it been since you were last here?" I asked and he frowned in thought.

"I lost track after three days" He said and I sighed before looking over at Rick.
"Okay, This is where we split up" Rick said addressing the group.
"Do you think that's a good idea?" Michonne asked and Rick looked at her.

"We need to scout ahead first" Rick answered and Michonne nodded, seeming to agree.
"Okay, Who stays and who goes?" Samurai asked and Rick turned to the group.

"Glenn, Tyreese, Michonne, Max..." Rick listed and I quickly stepped forwards about to protest, "And Rain" Rick quickly added looking at me and I immediately shut my mouth.

"You almost got me there" I said chuckling slightly and Rick rolled his eyes at me.
"Okay, everyone else stays here. We will communicate through the walkies and nobody follows us" Rick instructed and everyone nodded, seeming to be on the same page.

"Miles, Look after Mason while I'm gone" I told him quietly and he nodded his head.
"Look after Max" He said and I nodded before we did a little handshake with one another.
"Deal" We both said at the same time.

Max said goodbye to his girl as the rest of us loaded up in the truck we had picked up on the way here. And the others were already in said truck while I were in the car I had picked up, waiting for Max to come and get in said car.

"Hey, Bro! As much as I love that you are in love. We need to leave now!" I called to him hanging out the window of the car and he quickly kissed Jellybean Goodbye then ran over to the car, climbing into the passenger seat and I came back through the window.

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