S2 - Chapter Fourteen: Bad Day

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"When is it a good day?"

I slowly came to and heard the sound of my brothers arguing. Seriously? I laid there for a moment looking around at my surroundings, it seems we are in the back of Dale's RV.

I went to move when my head felt heavy so I laid back down with a groan which caught the attention of all three boys who looked at me scared from what I can see of them through my slightly closed eyelids, "Is she dead?" Miles asked looking at his brothers who shrugged at him.

"No, you idiot" I replied, my voice quiet due to it feeling sore causing them to scream in surprise as I slowly pulled myself up with help of Miles who sat down beside me, "Where are we?" I asked looking out of the window.

"Some highway, we only just stopped because the RV is broken again" Max informed me.

"Oh right, How long was I out for?" I asked curiously.

"Two days" Mason answered and my eyes widened as my jaw dropped.

"Dale has been taking care of you and said that we had to wait to see if you wake up as you did hit your head pretty hard. So, You might experience dizzy spells or sickness" Max explained and they then looked at one another with relief which made me sigh in awe.

"You didn't think I would wake up?" I asked and they all shook their heads, "A bump to the head is not going to kill me. You are stuck with me weather you like it or not" I told them.

"I wouldn't have it any other way" Max commented making me smile.

"Well..." Miles dragged out in a sing-song tone making me shove him playfully, "Kidding" He added and we all chuckled before the space fell quiet, only the sounds of chatter outside.

"I am aching all over and need to stretch" I stated moving to the edge of the bed.

"I'll go get Dale" Mason said but I grabbed his arm.

"No need, I'm fine" I replied but my voice came out a bit hoarse which made me cough slightly as I placed my hand on my throat.

"Here, have some water" Mason said opening up the bottle he held in his hand before handing it to me which I took and almost drank the entire thing.

"Don't tell me you have been watching over me this entire time" I said raising an eyebrow.

"No, we took in turns to watch over you during the day but they refused to let us do it at night so Glenn and Daryl took in turns watching over you. Daryl told us not to tell you he did that though so don't tell him I told you, he kind of scares me" Max explained and I chuckled amused before I got lost in thought of awe at Glenn and Daryl doing that for me.

"I need to get out of here" I said handing Mason back the bottle which he put the lid back on as Max took my arm that I had gave to him and he helped me up with the help of his twin, "Head rush" I stated stopping and blinking a few times until it had passed.

"Okay, move slowly so no fast movements and you go out for a little while for some fresh air then you come back to rest" Mason told me as he lead the way and I chuckled.

"Okay" I replied not having the energy to argue which surprised all three of my brothers that I didn't backchat Mason.

Mason opened the door and then step down first before turning to me, "Step down slowly" Mason said placing his hands out to guide me and I squinted at the change of lighting in which Miles put his hand up to shield my eyes and I couldn't help but smile at my brothers.

I stepped down from the RV and then we took slow steps into the open but any fast movements made my head spin and body ache so I had no choice but to go slow, "Where are my weapons?" I asked realising that I had been stripped off them, no wonder I felt naked.

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