S5 - Chapter Thirty Nine: Together Again!

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"Wait, Hold on! I know them!"


"Oh Uhh...Wow..."

Chase and I walked to the fence that allowed us to see inside the yard, the place look well and had the word 'Terminus' written on the top windows of the building. The place looked quiet and that didn't settle too well with me.

"What do we do now?" I asked Chase and the man crouched down beside a tree.
"We watch and observe for a moment" He told me and I looked down at him.

"What?" I asked and he looked up at me.
"Well, we want to make sure it's safe so let's just wait and see if we can trust it" He stated.
"Okay, then" I said, sitting on a rock nearby.

A moment of silence passed as we just sat, watching the building when I felt a sudden wave of nausea wash over me.

Chase came to notice this when I closed my eyes to wait until it had passed, "Are you okay?" Chase asked concerned and moved to my side quickly.

"Yeah, just feeling a little sick" I stated opening my eyes to look at him and he seemed calm.
"It's okay" He assured me and I nodded, "It's just morning sickness" He informed me.
"I'm pretty sure it's afternoon" I replied with a frown and he chuckled amused.

"It can happen at any hours of the day. And No, I don't know why it's called morning sickness so don't ask me" He replied and I chuckled.
"No but tell me, how do you know so much about everything?" I asked him curiously.

"Besides the fact that I had a pregnant girlfriend?" He asked and I nodded, "I used to be a doctor before all this" He informed me.

"Now that makes sense" I replied before it went quiet as he moved back to watch the building again, "You're still a doctor, you know?"
I asked and he looked at me with a frown, "Doctors are rare, so you are still one even in a world like this" I stated and he smiled at me.

"That could be my downfall too though"
He stated and I nodded, agreeing with him.
"I see what you mean there" I replied and then I started staring off at the ground.
"Penny for your thoughts" Chase said and I looked at him then smiled.

"Glenn" I told him and he frowned, obviously confused, "If it's a boy, I would like to call the baby Glenn, after his father" I explained.
"And if it's a girl?" He asked me and I frowned.
"Glendale" I joked, chuckling softly and Chase chuckled along with me, slightly amused.

I got distracted by the black smoke coming from the back of the building so I stood up which made Chase stand up too, "What?" He asked then turned to look at what I was.
"I don't think this is a good place after all" I replied and Chase nodded his head.

It weren't long before people started running out of the building in a panic, that would send anyone running for the woods, "I think we should get out of here" Chase informed me.
"I'm one step ahead of you" I stated, walking away first and then Chase followed after me.

We walked back the way we came through the woods when Chase suddenly pulled me back and I looked at him with a frown. However, he weren't even paying attention to me as he looked around the trees like a damn pigeon.

"We should get out of here" I heard a familiar voice say and I looked back at Chase.
"I'll go first, this is the way we have to go" Chase stated before quickly moving forwards.
"Wait, Chase!" I yelled, moving to follow him.

I stopped a little way behind Chase as the man held his weapon up, pointing at the group and I stood frozen as relief washed over me.

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