S1 - Chapter Nine: Back To Camp

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"Has the badass been beaten by the steep hill?"

The walk was so long that it started getting dark by the time we had made it on the highway and it seemed like a steep hill from where I stood to take a break, "Come on, Not far now" Glenn said to encourage me as he started up the hill and I groaned, tired of walking now.

"Has the badass been beaten by the steep hill?" Daryl asked walking by me next and I glared at him which made him chuckle before he sped up to walk with Glenn up ahead.

"Alright" I whispered to myself before I started walking again when Rick came up beside me.

"How have you been lately?" Rick asked and I turned to look at him then nodded my head.

"Could be better but my brothers and I are still alive so it could also be worse" I replied.

"I'm glad" He replied nodding then it went quiet for a moment, "I didn't know if you wanted the group to know that I know you so I pretended not to" He informed me and I stopped.

"It's not that I don't want them to know that we know each other" I said making him stop and he looked at me, "I don't want them to know how because my brothers don't know yet" I added and he nodded his head, "So, please don't say anything about the how part" I added.

"It's not my place to say but I'm surprised Shane didn't recognise you" Rick stated.

"I don't know him as well as I do you. He was hardly around when I was in" I replied as I started walking again and he walked with me as silence filled the air around us again.

"When was the last time I saw you?" Rick asked trying to think and I frowned in thought too.

"The day you got shot, I was at the station when you got called out to that job then Shane came back without you. He were saying that you had been shot and then a day later, you went into a coma then the world went to shit" I explained and he nodded his head.

"What were you doing when the outbreak happened?" Rick asked and I sighed quietly.

"I was trying to get out of the station while trying to fight off the dead officers" I answered and he looked at the ground in sadness making me sigh in awe, "I'm sorry for the loss of your team" I added and he looked up at me, kind of surprised before he nodded his head slowly.

We carried on walking together and started talking like we had no cares in the world.

He was telling me about the things that Carl used to do when he didn't want to be in trouble and I shared any similar stories that I had of my brothers.

It made me forget about the new world, It also made me realise that the new world won't allow anymore memories like ones we have.


That's Another Chapter!!!

To be honest, This is really a filler chapter so that's why it's short.

I apologise for the length of it but I wrote it to enlighten the fact that Rain and Rick knew each other before the world went to sh*t.

How do you guys think they know each other? What is that her brothers don't know? I want to hear your ideas so please don't be a stranger.

Thank you for reading!

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