S1 - Chapter Seven: Quick Thinking

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"And that's racist"

We exit through the back door, the same one we had entered through earlier then seperated when we got outside.

Rick and T-Dog going in the opposite direction to us, We made our way to the alley just like we... I mean Glenn planned.

We got ourselves to safety and with Daryl watching our backs, we quickly hid behind a giant dumpster.

We slowly peeked around the rolling bin and instantly spotted the bag on the floor, sitting untouched in the middle of the road, next to a giant army tank. Umm?

"Cover me" Glenn said looking back at us and we both nodded. Daryl loaded his crossbow and I stepped out of the way while Glenn bounced to his feet to get ready to run fast.

"You are not bad for a little Chinaman" Daryl said and I looked at him with a frown.

"I'm Korean" Glenn corrected him again before running off to do his part of the plan.

"And that's racist" I stated before I started climbing the fence opposite.

"Whatever" I heard Daryl mutter under his breath as I pulled myself up on a very short ledge which I shimmered across the wall to the other side before I turned around.

I took a deep breath as I looked up at the pole a short way between the two buildings, If I miss it then I will pretty much fall to my death but you know... here I go.

I didn't think about it as I jumped up and reached my arms up which felt like I were going in slow motion until my hands finally gripped the pole which I used to swing over to the baloncy on the other side, landing on my feet then I looked down at Glenn trying to make his way to the gun bag without getting harmed.

I watched from above like asked and kept my eyes on him as he moved forwards where I muttered to myself quietly as he moved towards the bag quickly.

Glenn actually managed to cross over safetly, he picked up the bag and put it on his back and I cheered to myself as he turned to run back but then he stopped to quickly pick up something else before running back to Daryl who I hope is still waiting for him in the alley.

"Oh Shit" I cussed when he had to come to a stop due to the walkers blocking his way so he went to run in the other direction but he got blocked again which backed him up into a wall and so I started to panic.

Not knowing what to do as I looked around frantically while grabbing my crossbow from the strap around my waist, "Oh fuck fuck fuck" I cussed over and over again as walkers got closer to Glenn and I could see him looking around for me as he tried to fight them off, "I'm coming!" I yelled which helped him pinpoint where I am before I jumped across to the next baloncy then the next.

I literally jumped half a mile at the walker that tried to get to me through the window so I quickly grabbed it and threw it off the baloncy then closed the window, jumping back when the other walker threw itself at the glass, "Idiot" I muttered, rolling my eyes at the thing.

"I need help!" Glenn screamed in panic so I reacted fast and started making alot of noise.

"Hey, Bitches!" I screamed then started throwing flowers pots off the baloncy while yelling which made them all turn in my direction so I next threw the table and chairs that I had up on the balcony.

I were screaming at the top of my lungs so much that my throat was starting to feel sore. I must look like a damn mad woman right about now.

I stopped for a moment to check on Glenn who looked up at me and he gave me a thumbs up before running off in the opposite direction, back to the alley where I hope Daryl is still waiting for him.

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