S3 - Chapter Twenty: Broken

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"I've got you"

"It's okay, I have got her"

T-dog moved the walker I had killed out of the block and everyone went their separate ways so I turned to Glenn with a glare.

He obviously knew that I was going to be upset with him because he closed his eyes then sighed defeatedly before he turned to me, "Baby, I can explain" He started and I shook my head.

"Don't 'baby' me. You were keeping such a secret from me for eight months?!" I exclaimed and his eyes softened but mine just hardened.
"I didn't do it on purpose" He replied and I scoffed, crossing my arms over my chest.

"So, you accidentally kept it from me?" I asked, Glenn looked confused then shook his head which made me scoff again before I stormed passed him, making my way to the stairs with Glenn hot on my heels while he called my name, more than once.

"Rain, please just wait!" Glenn yelled when we had got outside into the courtyard, thankfully everyone was all back inside so we were alone.

"Okay, Explain why you kept it a secret from me?!" I asked raising my voice as I turned back to face him and he sighed, shaking his head.
"It's not that I wanted to, I had to" He replied.

"You had to?!" I asked before scoffing at him.
"Just let me..." He started but I cut him off.

"You had to because what?!" I said my voice not lowering and he were trying to speak but I wasn't helping, "We have no choice but to become one of them when we die! Yet, You forgot to mention that fact!" I yelled and Glenn shook his head.

"Rain, just let me explain!" He yelled so loudly which made me jump and I looked at him surprised, "How can I explain if you won't let me talk?!" He asked not changing his tone and I shrunk back into myself, feeling stupid, "I didn't tell you because I wanted to protect you, I didn't want you to worry" He added and he looked so angry that I started to feel scared.

"Okay" I replied quietly and he looked at me.
"Rain..." He started and stepped towards me but I took a step back, cuddling myself.

"It's okay, I understand why you did it" I told him and he looked at me with a slight frown.
"Rain, I'm..." He started to say and took another step so I took a step to the side.

"I understand" I told him then walked away, going back inside the prison where I sighed in relief that Glenn hadn't followed me in.

Rain, You stupid bitch!!! Glenn is not HIM!!!

(Author's Note; Rain is not scared of Glenn per'se. It's just that scars stay forever.)

I walked back inside and ignored everyone as I made my way to the stairs when Rick stopped me at the bottom, "Rain, Are you okay?" He asked concerned and I looked at the ground.

"You should have told us" I stated and he sighed defeatedly before nodding, "And you shouldn't have made Glenn keep it from me" I added and he nodded at me once again.

"Rain, I'm so sorry. I thought I was doing what's best for the group" He informed me and I nodded but didn't look at him.

"Okay" I muttered before walking up the stairs and into the direction of the cell I had found the walker in. Obviously, not wanting to use the exact same one, so I settled for the very last cell, the one against the wall to be alone.

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