S5 - Chapter Forty Two: A Great Loss

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"Oh my god"

"You don't mean that..."

"...Her choice"

I sat there staring at the statue all night, I didn't wake up Glenn to take over the watch shift like I was suppose to. He just looks so peaceful sleeping in my lap and I wanted be alone with my thoughts for a little while longer.

I took a look around the room, at the group sleeping peacefully and frowned when I noticed that we were missing people. Come to think of it, Bob still hasn't come back.

"Fuck" I cussed before going to get up but then realised that Glenn were still lying on me. He stirred and I pushed him gently to get up so he sat up half asleep, before looking over at me.

"What's the matter, baby?" He asked and I tutted before walking over to Rick who were still sleeping. I crouched down beside him and gave him a nudge while calling his name.

"Rick" I called for the third time and he woke up with a startle before looking straight at me.
"What is it?" He asked slightly concerned.

"Bob went out last night and he still not back. Also, Daryl and Carol are not here" I stated and he sat up a little too fast that he almost hit me.

"When did Bob leave?" He asked after taking a look around and I frowned at him.
"He went out last night but I haven't seen come back in and I've been up all night" I stated and he nodded before standing up so I did too.

"There's people missing" Sasha stated from behind me and I jumped before turning to her.
"Just been informed" Rick replied and at that Gabriel came out of the back room he were in.

Sasha instantly glared at him then stormed over and the priest clocked the woman straight away and he looked scared, "What did you do to our people?" Sasha asked the man.

"I don't know what you are talking about" Gabriel replied innocently and Sasha scoffed.
"Don't lie to me, tell me where they are!" Sasha yelled grabbing the man's jacket. All the yelling had startled the rest of the group awake.

"Sasha" I called in warning and she stayed glaring at Gabriel for a minute before taking a step back, shoving the man in the chest.
"I don't know where your people are" Gabriel replied and Rick nodded his head at him.

"I believe you" Rick told him and Gabriel seemed to calm down as silence filled the room for a moment as people started to get up, "Father as much as I want to trust you I don't" Rick added and Gabriel nodded his head.
"That's understandable" The priest replied.

"You do have some explaining to do" I said moving around the benches and Gabriel frowned at me, "Drop the innocent act, the message craved into the wood on the side of the building puts a whole different light on you" I stated and his face dropped quickly.
"What happened, Gabriel?" Rick asked when he had turned away and he dropped his head.

"I am ashamed and carry this regret everyday" He started and I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest, "When the outbreak had happened, I panicked and locked myself in here" He explained turning back to us slightly, "Locking them out there with them. I listened to their cries for help and screams of pain as those things teared them apart" He informed us, "I pray for forgiveness but it won't ever take away the guilt" He added and I chuckled amused before shaking my head at the man.

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