S2 - Chapter Twelve: Safe Place?

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"Wait What?"

Rick stepped into the bright light first and I followed because my hand were still on his shoulder.

The group followed shortly after when we all came to a stop at the sound of someone yelling at us. In the shadows stood a person, I couldn't probably see who it was due to the low lighting.

However, I were more concerned about the weapon he held in his hands which were pointing in our direction so I quickly took out my own gun and aimed it at him while stepping in front of my brothers.

"Woah, Rain" Rick said placing his hand on my weapon but I didn't drop my arms.
"Are any of you bitten?" The man asked.

"One" Rick answered stepping in front of me slightly, taking the man out of my view, "But he didn't make it" Rick added sadly.

"What do you want?" The man asked.
"A chance" Rick answered honestly.
"That's asking an awful lot these days" The man stated and Rick Nodded.

"I know" Rick replied with a tired sigh.
"Each one of you submits a blood test, that's the price I'm asking for" He said.

"That's fair" Rick replied dropping his arm.
"Grab what you need because once those doors close, they won't be opening again" The man informed us and I stood where I was with my gun aimed at the man while the others quickly rushed out to bring in our luggage, "Lower your gun" The man told me.

"Not until you do first" I replied and he stepped into the light so I could see him smirk at me which was enough to let me know that I shouldn't trust him. So, I won't.

I didn't move but I did relax a little when I felt someone behind me and just by the feeling, I knew who it was and my thoughts were confirmed when he reached out and grabbed my gun then moved to be in my view, "Rain, It's okay" Glenn assured me placing a hand on my wrist before he squeezed it gently and I looked at him.

"Is it?" I asked and he nodded his head.
"Shutters coming down" The man announced and at that, the sound of the shutters coming down echoed throughout the large and very empty space.

Glenn nodded at me with a small smile so I lowered my arms and he took the chance to take the gun from my hands which he placed into the back of his jeans.

That's probably for the best, "Come with me" The man added, "Vi, seal the main entrance" He called out to the air.

We all followed the man further into the building and I took to staying close to Glenn because I felt so uneasy being in this building with this man and for some reason, Glenn eased those feelings.

"Rick Grimes" Our leader informed him.
"I'm Doctor Edwin Jenners" He introduced while walking down a very long and slightly narrow hallway.

"As in the English physician that died in 1823?" I asked and he stopped in front of a elevator then looked back at me with a slight smile.

"You know your stuff except his name was Edward and he was a scientist not a doctor" He replied and I scoffed as he pressed the button to call the elevator.

"Actually, He was both because he become a doctor in 1773 where he discovered that a patient of his, who had suffered from cowpox.
A mild disease that humans could catch from cattle, did not get smallpox" I educated folding my arms over my chest and he chuckled amused, "Which is when he also worked and made the first ever vaccine and many more after that then he spent the rest of his life being a doctor" I added as the elevator doors opened and he stepped in gobsmacked.

Bitch, don't try to educate me with that low correction.

"You do know your stuff" He stated as we all stepped into the elevator with him standing at the front of the group.

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