S4 - Thirty Four: A Secret And Rats?!

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"You knew who it was?"


(Author's Note: I know I have missed a few scenes out but please bare with me on this. The reason I have missed some scenes is due to the fact that I can't write my characters into every scene or episode. So, I apologise.)

I immediately went to Hershel after Tyreese angrily left the block. Anyway, I found the doctor on the main floor, "I have to leave" I told him and he instantly turned to me.

"Rain, I can't allow you to do that. You were the first one to be infected" He informed me.

"But I wasn't and I passed out then woke up completely fine" I stated and he nodded.

"And we still don't know why that is" He stated.
"And we don't have time to find out. I have to talk to Rick" I said before walking away, ignoring the calls for me.

"Rain, What's happening?" Maggie asked following me out and I shrugged my shoulders.

"I need to talk to Rick" I told her as I made my way to Cell block C with Maggie.

"Rain" Mason called in relief when I appeared in the doorway and the twins turned too.
"Rain" The twins exclaimed at the same time.

"Don't have time to stop, Do you know where Rick is?" I asked them and they frowned.

"He went outside with Tyreese" Mason asked and I nodded before walking away then stopped.

"Don't follow me" I told the boys and Maggie before turning to look at Mags who nodded then stopped the boys from following me as I walked away, making my way to the courtyard.

They weren't in the main courtyard so I walked around until I found them in the inner courtyard. Tyreese looked pissed as Rick stood on one side and Daryl stood on the other side of him, with Carol standing a few steps back.

"Rick" I called stepping into the same space as them and Tyreese turned around fast. He stormed towards me then grabbed me by the front of my shirt which made both Daryl and Rick move towards the two of us.

"Were you the one who did it?!" He asked-yelling and I scoffed, as if he is serious.

"No, of course not. I was in the block and most likely with Glenn when it happened" I replied and he didn't like that answer as he quickly slammed me into the fence.

"That is not a solid alibi!" He yelled which made Both Daryl and Rick jump in, Rick pulled the man away from me while Daryl stepped in front of me, standing protectively.

"Are you okay?" Daryl asked looking back at me and I nodded my head at him.

"Yeah, I get it. He's angry" I stated as Tyreese now turned on Rick and started yelling at him.
"We don't know who did this but I'm sure they had a good reason for it" I spoke up pushing myself off the fence and flinched when Tyreese turned towards me but Daryl put his arm out.

"What good reason would someone have to murder innocent people?!" Tyreese yelled then stared at me, waiting for an answer.

"I don't know why someone would do that" I replied flicking my eyes over at Carol, only for her to catch and she looked at the ground.

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