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Cherie woke up and check her surroundings then suddenly Daniel came in. Cherie was shocked when he came in.
"Woah, Daniel what are you doing here? And why am I on a bed?"
"I saw you on the couch earlier and it looks to me that you're really sleepy so I brought you here to sleep. By the way why you here?"
"Oh, that I was just waiting for my sister to arrive."
"Oh, I see. Actually I don't like parties it's too loud."
"Yeah, I agree, so do you want to go down and get back to the party."
"No, can I just stay here for awhile?"
"Yeah, okay,"
"Do you like reading books?
"Not really,"
"Oh, is that so? Then what do you usually do at your spare time?"
"Anything, actually, I do love listening to music."
"Really? Have you listened to John Ledgend's all of me?"
"Yeah, I think it's beautiful because the way sang it. It came from his heart I just love that song."
"Yes, me too, it felt like your falling in love with the song."
"I'm falling in love with you."
"Uh, oh, oh no, I slipped."
"Did you just say you are falling for me?"
"No, it didn't came out right. He said rub his nape. I meant to say was I'm falling in love with the song."
"Oh, for a minute there, I thought you were into me. I guess I was wrong. By the way. What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be downstairs.
"Yeah, well I like it here because it's quiet.
"Alright, so..."
"Oh, do you want do something?"
"Like what?"
"Hmm, let's play truth or dare."
"Okay, who's first?"
"You go first,"
"Alright, truth or dare?"
"Hmm? Truth."
"I want you to tell me the truth about what you feel right now."
"Okay that's easy, I feel shocked earlier and I'm feeling okay right now."
"Okay it's my turn truth or dare."
"I dare you to wear a skirt for the whole day tomorrow." I said and giggling a bit.
"What? You can't be serious?"
"If you're not going to do it pick the truth instead."
"Okay, what's the truth?"
"I want you to tell me the truth about your girlfriend?"
"What are you talking about I don't have a girlfriend?"
"Okay, then but do you like someone?"
"Yeah, I like someone. She's good in math, she teaches me after school she's really pretty and she's a kind person."
"Hmm, who is it?"
Does she really not know she's the one I like? Guess not she doesn't suspect a thing.
"It's my secret to keep."
"How ironic, well, if you're not going to tell me. Then keep it yourself. I'm going home."
"Wait, Cherie, are you mad?"
"No, why would I be mad? There's no reason for me to get mad? Why?"
"Oh, I thought you're mad at me for not telling you who is the girl I like."
"Why would I be mad about that? It's your choice not to tell me and I can respect that. So if you don't mind I'll just head out your brother might think there's something going on between us if this keeps up. Oh and thanks, for letting me sleep in your room. I'll see you at school. Bye Daniel."
Then she stood up and headed for the door. She didn't realize she drop her lipstick on the floor. When she left.

"Sunnie, let's go, I'm sure you're tired come on let's go home.
So I and Sunnie left the party headed out and we got the car we got in and minutes later we arrive home. I saw Sunnie fell asleep in the back. So I tried to wake her up. But she wouldn't wake up. Then Ethan was passing by and saw me.
"Hi, Cherie,"
"Oh, hi, Ethan what's brings you here?"
"I was just got back from the grocery store to buy some stuff we need."
"Oh, okay,"
Then he saw Sunnie is sleeping at the car.
"Sunnie, wake up were here." I said
She didn't wake up she's a heavy sleeper she is.
"Ah, Cherie, let me sleep more I'm so tired." she said not moving from her spot.
"Cherie, do you want me to carry Sunnie up to her room."
"Oh, would you?"
"Yes, I'll help you."
"Thanks, Ethan", she said then he carried Sunnie on his back.
"By the way where have you been?"
"Sunnie has been invited to a party and I went with her."
"Oh, I see."
"Thanks, Ethan for bringing Sunnie up to her room.
"It's no problem." he said and going down.
I wasn't looking where I was going and slipped on the floor and fell down the stairs. Ethan saw me and caught me.
"Oh, ow it hurts."
"Cherie, are you okay, good thing I caught you."
"Ow, my arm I think it got twisted."
"Do you want me to call a doctor."
"No, I think I'll be fine."
"No, you're not fine, he sighed. Where's the firstade kit?"
"In the storage room."
"Okay, Cherie, just sit down on the couch and don't move, I'll just get the firstaid kit okay."
"Okay, Ethan." she said sat down on the couch.
After a few minutes had passed
Ethan found the firstaid he goes back to the living room. He saw Cherie sitting and waiting for him. Then he sat down and hold Cherie's arm and look at it.
"I think you will not move your right hand properly for a while." he said started banaidging her hand.
"Sorry, I'll do it carefully."
So he rapped around her arm a bit more then it's done.
"Thanks, Ethan."
"You're welcome Cherie."
"By the way how come you know what do with a twisted arm?"
"My dad is doctor remember? So I learned a thing or two from him."
"Oh, I see."
"Well, better get going I'm sure Mom is waiting for me in the house."
"Okay, Ethan thanks again."
"Don't mention it." he said and left.
I smiled as I went to my room. I was thinking about Ethan the way he cares for me and protects me from harm. He's my best friend he never let anyone hurt me he's my protector from the start and I'm thankful for having him into my life." I thought. I then snapped out of it then I opted to the bathroom to brush my teeth then I turned off the lights and went to bed.

Atop the building (On Going) Book1 Cherie's Past ♡Updates Every Thursday♡Where stories live. Discover now