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In the morning~
I woke up feeling sluggish because I still haven't found that lipstick and grandma's already coming tomorrow. I sighed again. What should I do? Ethan didn't come yesterday. Perhaps he's busy, I don't know. I'm going to be late from school. I'll ask Ethan to help me later. I got up and stretched a bit. After stretching for a while I fixed my bed, arranged the pillows and folded the blanket. After that I went to the bathroom to take a quick shower and got dressed I wore my pink school uniform for then I sit on my chair plug the blower and started blow drying my hair. After that I took two white clips with sparkles on the inside then I put it on my hair one on each side then I went downstairs and I saw my mom making breakfast and dad reading a newspaper.
"Good morning mom and dad."
"Dad, can you teach me French this weekend?"
"Sure, honey, invite Ethan and Jennie to so I have helpers to teach you."
"Oh, okay."
"Honey, come here and eat your breakfast."
"Okay, mom, I said as I walked over to the chair and sat down. I waited for the food to be served.
"Mom, what are you cooking?"
"I'm cooking eggs bacon and bread and butter."
"Hmm, smells yummy."
"It sure is, honey," my dad said to mom.
"Come on, let's eat."

So we had our breakfast. It was too silent. My sister Sunnie is still sleeping. I asked my mom.
"Mom, have you found my lipstick yet?"
"No, I'm sorry honey but it's not here."
"Where could it have gone?"
"Worry about it later honey, you're going to be late?"
"Okay mom."

I went to the bathroom to quickly brush my teeth then I headed out.

"Bye, mom and dad I'll see you later."
"Okay, sweetie, have a great day."
"Thanks, mom."

I then headed out and went to the bus stop to wait for the bus I sat on a nearby bench. While I was waiting I decided to go next door and knocked on the door.

Ethan opened the door and I could see he just woken up. His messy blonde hair I can tell his eyes lack sleep. When he saw me he said.

"Hi Goodmorning Cherie, what brings you by? This early?" he said as yawning a bit.
"Well, I have to go to school. I woke up early so I wouldn't be late."
"Oh is that so?"
"What happened yesterday I thought you're going to my house but you didn't."
"I completely forgot because I've been asked to clean Jennie's room."
"Oh, that's okay, by the way can you come later my dad wants you and Jennie to come over so he could have helpers to teach me how to speak French again."
"Yeah, sure, I'll come."
"Great. Thanks, Ethan."
"No problem, now go I can see your bus is here."
"Oh, okay, I'll see you later then."
"Yeah, I'll see you."

So Cherie got on the bus and sat in front. She looked around and didn't see Daniel. Maybe he's late again I thought to myself. The bus drove away. Maybe Ethan has class in the afternoon. I said while I remembered what Sunnie said to me. So later he couldn't go to my house. But I still don't know. I'll find out once I get home later. Minutes later the bus stop and I go down. I saw Marie and Claire waiting for me. I went to them and walked with them going inside the school and they asked me.

"Cherie have you found the lipstick your grandma gave you?"
"Ugh, not yet, but I have to find it soon because this is my last day to find it. My grandma is coming in tomorrow."
"Oh, bummer."
"Yeah, I know right, Ethan is going to my house later to help me find it but I think that is not going to happen."
"Why, not?" they asked.
"Because Ethan's class is in the afternoon."
"Well, how about Jennie?"
"I bet Jennie's going to go with Ethan because they go to the same school."
"Oh yeah, that makes sense. But how will I find my lipstick if Ethan is not going to help me look for it. But we'll see because Ethan said he is going to help me and my dad invited him to teach me French."
"Oh, okay, what's your first subject?"
"Science. What's yours?"
"Mine is Math."
"How about you Claire?"
"P.E. how fun I bet Ms. Moore wants to put pressure on me again." She said as she sighed deeply.
"Oh, come on, Claire you can do it."
"Yeah, Claire I know you can." we said and smiled reasussing her.
"Okay, I'll see you guys later."
Marie and I walked to our classes.
"Harris." Daniel said.
"Come on you two let's get to class."
"What's your first subject?" Daniel asks the guys.
"Mine, is P.E." Gio said.
"Math." Harris then said.
"How about you Daniel?"
"Mine is Values."
"Okay, guys if neither of you saw Cherie, tell her to come see me after school?"
"Why, Cherie's busy besides your not planning to give her lipstick back anyway because you said it yourself that's the only thing that binds you and Cherie together."
"Yeah, but I saw her and she's not herself and I thought it was because of her lipstick, so I'll give it back to her."
"That is if you have the same classes as her and I highly doubt that."
"Cause we have many classes and the girls as well. How will we know if those classes they're there? It's too much of a trick guess on which class is Cherie and her friends attend."
"Yeah, maybe you're right. Okay, I'll see you guys later."
"Yeah see you guys."
So we went to our separate classes and I still didn't see Cherie or her friends. Maybe I'll see her later at the cafeteria at lunchtime. So I just shook off the thoughts from my head and started listening to Mr. Ross.
"Class can someone please tell me how someone loves another. Daniel?"
"Ah, yes, before you love others you must learn how to love yourself first because how can other people love you when you don't even love yourself. Self love can be selfish but if you trust in yourself then you'll gain confidence and by loving yourself you'll see that others will learn to love you too."
"Wow. Daniel, that's so beautiful, A+ you can take your seat now."
"Okay, class that's all for now I'll see you all again in the next class. Class dismissed.
"Clarie you need to practice more."
"Ugh. This is so exhausting, good thing I packed my water. Gio saw Clarie.
He went near her and gave her some water.
"Claire, here, drink up."
"Thanks Gio, but what about you aren't you thirsty too?"
"You keep that, I'll buy another one.
"Okay, thanks, I didn't know you could be sweet. Thank you. I'll see you then I'll have to practice my dance now."
"But I'm in your P.E. class too.
"Yeah, I'm over there practicing for the football team."
"Okay good luck with that."
"Yeah, thanks and good luck on your dancing.
"Okay, your welcome, by the way have you seen Cherie?"
"Why are you looking for her."
"Cause, Daniel has her lipstick and he wants to give back to her."
"Why does Daniel have Cherie's lipstick?"
"Because she dropped it at his house during the party."
"Oh, is that so?"
"Yeah, so can you tell Cherie to meet Daniel later?"
"Cherie, is a study freak. She only wants to study so it's kind of hard to get her when she's in the frenzy of studying, but I'll try to tell her later."
"Okay, thanks Gio, if you don't mind I'll keep practicing my dance now?"
"Okay? I'll see you around then," he said and went back to his football team.

I walked in the hallway with my books. I went to my locker and put in the passcode, then I put in my books. I just finished my science class. It's hard but fun. I wish Daniel would be my lab partner next time. Huh? What am I saying and why does Daniel keep popping in my head? I'm sure it's nothing serious so I do not need to worry maybe Daniel's my close friend so I might think of him sometimes. That's natural, so I put my books in the locker and waited for Marie and Claire to arrive.
Marie was in another class which is Spanish she just listened to Senior Ritz.
She just listened and wrote her notes on her notebook and after a good hour of Spanish she was dismissed. She goes to the lockers to find Cherie and Claire chatting. She went near them.
"Cherie, Gio said that Daniel's looking for you."
"What? Why is he looking for me?"
"Just check it out."
"Okay, but I really have to go home to find that lipstick? I sighed can you tell Daniel I'll meet him next time."
"Yeah, okay."
"See you guys."

So I took the bus and went home
I entered the room to see mom and dad sitting in the living room.
"Mom, have you seen my lipstick yet."
"No, sorry honey. I didn't find it here, maybe you left it somewhere?"
"I don't know I just hope I'll be able to find it before grandma arrives tomorrow."
"I hope so, honey."
"If you need me I'll be in my room."

Daniel's waiting for Cherie to show up.

"I hope, Marie told Cherie I wanted to see her."
While Marie was walking in the hallways he bumped in Harris.
"I'm sorry, I should look where I was going."
"No, it's okay,"
"Huh, you're Cherie's friend aren't you?"
"Yes, I am my name's Marie."
"I'm Harris."
"So did Cherie meet Daniel?"
"No, Cherie said she will meet him next time because she's looking for the gift her grandma gave her."
"Oh, I see, where's Cherie now?"
"She went home just a few minutes ago why?"
"Oh no, Daniel,"he said.
"Wait, Daniel?"

Then Harris left Marie while going up to the rooftop,

Harris then went up to the rooftop even though he's scared. He still went to tell Daniel that Cherie isn't coming. When he got there he saw Daniel looking down.

"Daniel, Cherie left,"
"I know I saw her from above."
"Daniel why don't you just go home. I'm sorry you'll get the chance to give Cherie her lipstick back."
"Okay, Harris thanks."
"Do you want to go together?"
"No, I'm good. I'll see you later Harris.
"Yeah, okay?"
"In that case I'll go ahead. I'll see you at school bro."
"Okay, catch ya later." Bye." he said as he waved goodbye.

Daniel was walking to a bus stop. Just then, he saw an old woman.

Atop the building (On Going) Book1 Cherie's Past ♡Updates Every Thursday♡Where stories live. Discover now