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She finally remembered and said.
"What are you doing here?"
"I've book a room here to stay for the night, cause Jeffery said I have a photoshoot this coming Wednesday or Thursday I'm not sure yet, because he said the producer are not sure yet."
"Oh, I see, well I'm here because I'm looking for Harris but looks like he isn't coming because he forgot, he tend to forget things sometimes."
"Oh, I see, well I'll see you around I'll just check out the pool."
"Okay, I'll see you later."
So Sofie went to the pool and wow it sure is beautiful. She said looking around.

I decided to text Sofie
"Sofie, where are you, mom and Dad and Sunnie can't wait to see you." Then I pressed send.
While waiting for her reply, I was in my room thinking of what to do. I just laid in my bed for awhile checking my phone. When suddenly the door opened. Reviling my sister.
"Cherie, check this out. She said and put her laptop in front of me and said.
"Cherie, Sofie famous she have her own clothes line trend."
"Wow, you're right."
"And she's staying at a Blue hotel."
"Why would she stay there I mean don't her dad have mansion."
"Maybe Sofie just decided to live on her own."
"Yeah, maybe."
"Ah Sunnie can you get out I just remembered I have do some homeworks from school."
"I'll play with you later. I promise."
"Okay," she said closed the door behind her.

So many things happened that I've forgot to do my homework. Ugh, this is so frustrating and it's freaking me cause I have only a day to finish them all.
"Oh, heck, I don't even remember if we had assignments, I'll call Marie and asked her.
Marie was cleaning her room cause it's a little messy. Then she heard her phone rang. She answered it by saying: "Hello," through the phone.
"Marie, it's me Cherie."
"Hey, Cherie, why did you call?"
"I just want to know if we had homework?"
"No, I don't think so."
"Oh, okay thanks, then bye talk to you later."
I was worried about nothing I thought there's homework to be done but turns out there's no homework to be done. So I invited Ethan to play Xbox with me.
I called him first. I got my phone and started to dial his number. He pickup after the second ring by saying: "Hello."
"Ethan, it's me Cherie."
"Oh, Cherie, why did you call?"
"Do you want to come over and let's play Xbox together."
"Oh, I'd love to but I got homework to do."
"Then come over and bring your homework with you all the way here. Please Ethan I really can't play the game without you. Please?"
"Well, okay but just one game."
"Ah, Ethan you're no fun."
"How about 5 games then I'll help you with homeworks. Then after we can relax I'll make us some lemonade."
"Now your talking, I'll be right there." he said hung up.
Then my mom came up to my room.
"Cherie, who was that you're talking to?"
"Mom, I hope you don't mind but I've invited Ethan to come over and play Xbox and I'll help him with his homeworks."
"Oh, okay, just don't stay up so late."
"Alright we won't."

Mom I'm going to Cherie's house to play Xbox with her and she said she'll help me do my homework, can I go?"
"Okay, sweetie, just don't stay up so late."
"Ah, mom can I have a sleepover at Cherie's tonight?"
"It's okay with me but you probably ask Mrs, Taylor if she's okay with it."
"Okay, I'll just get my sleeping bag."
"Oh, okay, honey, I think I saw it in the storage room."
"Thanks, mom."
So he went down to the storage room and started to look for it after 5 minutes of searching for it he finally found it. He grabbed and went upstairs to dust it clean. After doing that, he said goodbye to his mom and headed out.

He just walk all the way to Cherie's cause it's not that far. It's only one block a away. After walking about twenty minutes he got there and rang the door.
Cherie's mom opened it to see Ethan standing there.
"Cherie, Ethan is here."
"Mrs. Taylor, can I sleepover here, I ask my mom earlier and she agreed."
"Okay, you and Cherie can have a sleepover. But no loud music."
"Okay, Mrs. Taylor."
So I went down to greet Ethan.
"Hi, Ethan so glad you came. Come on let's go to my room.
So Ethan and I went to my room and talk about stuff.
"Ethan how's school?"
"It's fine. But I do have a lot homework to do."
"Don't worry, I'll teach you."
"Thanks, Cherie."
"Do you want to play first and let's do your homework later or do you want to study first then we can play well that works too."
"Hmm? Let's do the homework first and play after."
"Go get your homework and I'll check it out."
"Okay," he said and got his notebook."
"Here, it is." he said point the equation to me.
"Hmm?" I said as I looked at it.
"I don't think this is wrong but it's not right either. Oh I see what's the problem you got your equation mixed up. Ethan see.
"Oh, that's why I'm having a hard time."
"Don't worry, I'll the write right equation then you'll be able to answer it correctly.
"Okay, 3×3-5+4π2-5×π43-45+25×42π3-2+56÷41
"So, what's the answer?"
"9,204.073033." he answered.
"Wow, nice you're right. What else?"
"Hmm, how about this."
"It's kind of hard to answer that?"
"You can do it what's the answer?"
"The answer will be. 804.1409624
"Yeah, you got you're pretty good Ethan."
Of course, I've got my bestfriend helping me with it."
"Awe, anything for my bestfriend I'm always happy to help. So are you done?"
"Yup, I think I'm done."
"Is there anything else you want me to help you with?"
"Hmm? Nope, I think I got it from here, I'll just do my English assignment on my own. You go set up the game I'll catch up with later after this English homework."
"Okay, I'll set it up. I'll just wait for you."
"Okay, you go ahead. I'll be here just finishing up."
"Alright, but hurry up I can't play this game without you."
"Okay, I'll be right there after I answer these questions."
"Okay, I'll be in the living room waiting."
"Okay, I said and went to the living room as I waited for Ethan. I go to the kitchen to make us some lemonade so I got two lemons and the squeezer then I took out to glasses and rinse them then I pour the freshly squeezed lemonade. Then I put them on a tray and carried to the living room.

Sunnie came downstairs and saw me in the living room.
"Oh, sis. did you know that Daniel was looking for you when you where with Ethan the other day."
"Why is he looking for me?" I ask putting the tray down on the table.
"I don't know, but I think he likes you."
"Not you too Sunnie, Marie and Claire keep saying the same thing. But I never thought Daniel likes me, because he doesn't. He said he has a girl he likes and that's not probably me. So just please stop talking about Daniel okay sis."
"Okay, but, I really feel Daniel likes you Cherie."
"Yeah, right, if he likes me he should of told me by now but I don't think it will happen because he said he like someone and I don't know who she is."
"I know who she is?"
"Do you?"
"It's you silly?"
"Your kidding right, I don't see Daniel taking interest in me. So Sunnie will please stop talking about it."
"Okay, I'm sorry sis."
"It's no biggie."
"Hey want to play princess later?"
"Yeah, I would love that."
"Cherie, I'm done with my English assignment can you check it for me."
"Sure, Ethan."
"Wait, is that Ethan?"

Atop the building (On Going) Book1 Cherie's Past ♡Updates Every Thursday♡Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora