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Harris dragged me downstairs to show me something. Whatever it is, I hope that it could help me with Cherie.

Thus, we went to his basement. It was full of dust and cobwebs because of misuse, but we didn't pay any attention.

"Harris, what are we even doing here?"
"Because an old book about how to get a girl to fall for you is down here. Just wait for a while. Where is it, anyway?" He said and looked at the shelves.
"Let's see. Hmm. Oh! Here it is." He said and grabbed a book, dusting its covers off with his palm before handing it to me.

I looked at the book. The book cover has a big heart and there's a guy and a girl facing each other and it has hearts surrounding them.

"Are you sure that if I read this Cherie will fall for me?"
"I'm not sure I haven't really tried doing it."
"Why not?"
"I'm not sure, I don't need it. So I'm giving it to you. You need it more than I do."
"Thanks, Harris."
"Don't believe in every word that book says. Sometimes it needs to start with you."
"I will. I'll see you later,"
"Where are you going?"
"Oh, I'm going to Gio's house. Do you want to come along?"

While Harris and Daniel are walking towards Gio's place, they saw a girl being bullied by Tony.
"Shouldn't we do something?"
"If we do something, we might get into trouble."
"Because Tony's rich and if we get on his bad side he might put us in jail."
"What do you mean put us in jail."
"Look, just ignore him."
"Oh, oh, oh, look what do we have here?" Tony said and grabbed our bags.
"Give it back Tony."
"Awe, does little Gio want his backpack back?"
"Come, man that wasn't cool. Daniel said to him.
"Wait, you're that guy who pushed me in the school bus weren't you. Hey guys, this guy pushed me on the school bus. A few days ago, he also took Cherie away from me."
"You know that's not true, Cherie broke up with you because you have trust issues."
"No, I don't," he said as he grabbed my collar.
"Don't look so tough now are you Daniel?"

Daniel removed Tony's hand from his collar and said.

"You know Tony I think you should put the act up together, before you lose Cherie. That's why you should behave properly." He said before he pulled Gio up and left.

"Hey, Where are you going Daniel, we're not finished yet."
"Just ignore him." He said to himself.
"Come on, Gio let's go."

While we were walking by we saw Marie.
"Hi, Marie,"
"Oh, hi Daniel, um, why do you look like a mess?" she asked, clearly pointing towards their haggard appearance.
"Don't tell me, you fought with Tony earlier."
"Oh, how did you know?"
"I was there, you didn't see me because I was hiding behind the bushes."
"Why, are you watching Tony?"

"Yes and no, it happened a few days ago when Cherie asked me a favor. She tried to remember then a flashback came in.
"Oh, Marie, I can't stand Tony anymore, he's being too creepy."
"What can I do to help you?"
"Watch him, tell me every move that he's making so that well be one step ahead from him alright."
"Okay, Cherie."
"Thanks, Marie."
End of Flashback.

While Marie was talking with Daniel and his friends meanwhile. Ethan and Cherie were together and there's something Ethan wants to show Cherie

"Come on, Cherie, I want to show you something?"
"What is it?"
So I went with Ethan to another room filled with books and an old music recorder.
"Wow, this is so retro Ethan." I said as I giggled.

He walked near the music recorder and I sat on one of the recliners to relax. He put the CD on the music player and it played Symphony No. 5 by Beethoven. It was nice and pleasant to hear and relaxing too.

"Cherie, I have something to tell you."
"What is it, Ethan?"
"I fixed the car so we get home later."
"Oh, that's great. By the way, how come there's a music player here?"
"My grandma gave it to us to listen to music since she passed away mom and dad kept on arguing lately and my dad sleeps most of the time at hospital because mom would just ignore him at times."
"I'm so sorry to hear that, I didn't know what you were going through."

He smiled.

"It's okay, Cherie."
"Why did your grandma pass away? What sickness does she have?"
"She had liver cancer."
"Oh, that's awful, but what was that got to do with your parents not being close?"

He sighed.

"Hey, it's okay, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to." I said to him and went near him to comfort him. He gave a small smile and said.

"Thanks, Cherie."
"Hey, do you want to come over at my place when we come back."
"Oh, I should buy you something to wear so that you'd be comfortable. Come on, let's go to the mall and after that, I'll get you home."
"Come on, let's eat first before we go." he said.
"Sure. I'll make us a PBJ sandwich. Come on."

So we went to the kitchen and grabbed the jam in the fridge and the peanut butter in the drawer. I can't reach it so I asked Ethan to help me.

"Ethan could you please grab the peanut butter?"
"Sure, Cherie." he said and grabbed the peanut butter in the cabinet and he handed it to me.
"Thanks, Ethan." I said.
"You're welcome, he said as he stared into my eyes and he went nearier and nearier until his face was so close to mine. He whispered to my ear. I feel nervous but comfortable around him. What is he going to do? Is he going to kiss me again. No, no, Cherie, stop imagining things. You're just his best friend; he wouldn't do that kind of thing to you.

"Hey, Cherie thanks for teaching me math. I really appreciate it." He said as he pulled away.

I gulped and said.
"It's not a problem Ethan."
"Thank you for reaching the jar of peanut butter for me."
"It's no worries."
"Now take a seat, while I ready those sandwiches."
"Okay, Cherie.

I took two plates from the drawer and closed them. I took the bread on the table and toasted them in a toaster then once it's done I added two more then I spread the peanut butter and jelly on the sandwich then I made another one with the same procedure then I took them and put it on a plate. Then I put it on the table before sitting on a chair.
"Here, Ethan, here's your sandwich.
"Thanks, Cherie."
"Now, let's eat so that we can go early."

After breakfast... I went to my room to take a shower. Then after that I got changed into my tank top and jeans I was wearing before. Then I go downstairs to see Ethan.

"Come on, Cherie, let's buy you some clothes." he said and went to his car. He got in his car and I got into the passenger seat. Then we started driving to the mall.

And so, the two of us roamed around the mall.

"Ooo this one is nice." I said and took it off the rack.
"Try it on."

So I went to the fitting room to try it on and it looks perfect. I love it. I went out to show Ethan my dress. I went out and called Ethan and he came and saw me.
"Wow, Cherie, you're beautiful in the white dress you're wearing. Do you want that?"

I nodded as I twirled around in my new dress.
"You look so beautiful."
"Awe Thanks, Ethan for buying me this dress."
"No problem, Cherie. Now come on, let me take you home."

Atop the building (On Going) Book1 Cherie's Past ♡Updates Every Thursday♡Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora