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I woke up in the morning, feeling tired. Because I was thinking about who should I choose between them. While I was deep in thought confused about who should I choose. I heard a knock on the door. I walked to the door and opened it and saw my sister there.
"Sunnie, what is it?"
"Mom, is making breakfast, come on Cher, let's eat."
"Okay, I'm coming in a minute."
"Alright but hurry."
"I'll be down in a second."
"Okay."She said as she left closing the door.

I sat on the edge of the bed and just think for a while about Ethan and Daniel. I composed myself to not get distracted by who to choose. I didn't think about it, and I went down to have breakfast.

"Cherie, there you are? Come on, have a seat."
So I sat on the chair.
"Mom, can I take a day off school? I'll just tell my friends to send me our homework."
"Why, do you want to? Are you sick?"
"No, mom, I just wanted to take a break and spend time with you and dad and Sunnie. So can I take the day off from school just this once you know my ex-boyfriend from middle school he keeps on bothering me and I can't take it anymore?"

She sighed but agreed. "That Tony must be bothering you so much."
"Yeah, mom, you have no idea."
"Okay, honey, so where are we going today?"
"The mall,"
"Sure, can Ethan come?"
"I'm sure, Ethan is at school honey."
"Don't worry, I'll call him to come later after school."
"Yeah, okay."
"I'll call him now,"I said going to my room and gesturing to her.
I go to the room and the phone is still ringing.
I wonder what will I'm going to say to him. I said thinking. Maybe I could say. "Are you done with classes or maybe? What are you doing, of course, he's in school studying Ugh. How am I going to ask a question and why am I being so nervous about it? Is it because he might think I'm asking him out on a date or he might think that I want to spend time with him together? Ugh, this is so nerve-racking I'm so nervous to talk to him but why? Am I getting nervous I wasn't like this before? I shook the thought off my head and just dialed his number. It's ringing.

It was silent for a while before he spoke saying.
"Hello?"He said with a deep voice.
"Ethan, it's me, Cherie."
"Oh, Cher, why did you call?"
"So, are you wondering why I was not in school today?"
"Yeah, I haven't seen you at school today. What happened by the way?"
"Nothing happened, I just told mom I don't want to go today cause Tony keeps on bothering me there."
"Oh, I see, do you want me to beat him up for you?"
"No, Ethan. That's sweet of you to think of me but don't just beat Tony up for no reason, I don't want you to go to detention."
"Awe, I miss you cause you were not here with me today."
"Ethan, we're neighbors you can visit me later after school,"I said giggling a bit.
"Oh, right, by the way, do you want to go with me later."
"Where are we going?"
"You'll see later when I get home, I'll pick you up okay?"
"Okay, fine."
"Wear something pretty okay?"
I smiled and just said.
"Whatever you say, see you later bye."
I then hang up the phone.

Then my phone rang again. It says, Daniel.

So I picked up and put the phone to my ear and said.

"Daniel, what's up, why did you call?"
"I was wondering if your busy this weekend?"
"I don't think so why?"
"Then, come with me to the time square this weekend I want to show you something."
"Oh, I just remembered I have a family bonding this weekend how about next weekend instead will that work for you?"
"Yeah sure."He said.
     "Okay, see you then bye,"I said as I hung up.

Minutes later.

Ethan was buying flowers for Cherie when suddenly out of nowhere a group of guys dragged him into a corner.
      "Ethan?"One of the guys said.
      "What the... Fred is that you and Donny?"
     "Uh, what are you doing here? I thought you left the country with your family and Donny I thought you were working as a bartender what happened?"
      "Oh, Ethan can we borrow some money please we have nothing left now?"
     "What the... How did that happen you used to be wealthy?"
     "Well my dad got laid off from his job then my mom divorced him living us with nothing left.
     "Oh, I see. Well, here. Take it."He handed them a hundred bills each.
      "Awe, Ethan thank you. This means a lot."
      "But how will we be able to give you back the money?"
     "No, just remember to pay it forward,"he said before he left.
     "Okay, thanks bro I'll never forget this."
     "It's no problem. Well, I'll see you again next time I am running late."
     "Yeah, sure thanks again."

So went home he just finished school a few hours ago. He gets ready to meet Cherie. So fixed up himself and got dressed he wore a t-shirt and a jacket then he also wore black and white rubber shoes he comb his hair and look in the mirror and looked good. Then he walked one block then he knocked on the door.

I heard a knock on the door. I opened it to find Ethan there. I let him in.

     "Ethan, wait I'll just go change okay?"
      "Okay," he said as he smiled at me."
So I went upstairs and took a quick shower after I change into my white dress with roses on it then I quickly blow dry my hair to let it dry then I sat on my chair and began to apply the powder on my face I dab it then put on my pink blush on each side of my cheeks then some red lip tint for my lips to have some color. Then I look in the mirror I look pretty. Then I went out and Ethan saw me. I think he looks shocked to see how pretty I was.

    "Ethan, are you still there?"
He snapback to reality.
     "Huh. Yeah, I'm okay. You are just so pretty today."
     "So, where are we going this time?"
     "Oh, you'll see."Come he held my hand.
I took it and we went to the car. He opened the car door and got in. He got into the driver's seat and started driving. The whole car was silent and it's making me nervous. Ugh, should start a conversation or should I keep my mouth shut? I don't know what to say. I ran out of things to talk about. I sighed and just remain silent.

Ethan notices me being all quiet then he asks.
      "Cherie, do you want to turn the music?"
      "Yeah, sure."
The song played. She will be loved by: Maroon 5
We are silent but the music is still playing in the background I wonder where would Ethan be taking me.

Minutes later.

We arrived at the place and it was beautiful. We are at the secret garden and I saw colorful butterflies fluttering around us.
I smiled and said.
     "Ethan, where are we?"
     "Where at my secret garden? It's beautiful, isn't it?"
     "Yeah, it's beautiful."
     "Not as beautiful as you,"he said as he stared into her eyes.
      "Huh, Ethan."
      "Yes, Cher?"
      "Can we eat now, I'm getting famished."
       "Sure, anything for my Cher Cher."
I smiled and we ate and talked some more about anything we like. Then I noticed it was getting late. I told Ethan that we should go home and he agreed.
So he got the car and I got on it and I strapped my seatbelt on then he went to the driver's seat then he started driving me back.

Minutes later.

The car stopped and I thank him for dropping me off. I went in and wave goodnight to him.

Atop the building (On Going) Book1 Cherie's Past ♡Updates Every Thursday♡Where stories live. Discover now