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The next morning~

Daniel woke up. He remembered that he let Cherie sleep on his bed. They also had a little conversation about books, music and such. He had a fun time hanging out with her last night. He shook the thought out of his mind, then he stood up. Just then, he slipped something and he fell down.
     “Ow, that hurt.” he said and got up.
Then he saw a lipstick on the floor.
     “Huh? How this get here?" He thought to himself. Daniel asked his mom if the lipstick belong to her but she said no. The same goes for Leah. Then, he remembered that last, Cherie was in his room so maybe the lipstick belongs to her. Perhaps she didn't notice that it fell. I should give this back to her. I'll give it her later when I see her at school. 

Meanwhile, Cherie woke up feeling good. It's another day of school, I sighed and thought of the weekend - I hope it's reaches the weekend soon. I'm so exhausted from the home works and classes but I have to do it since no one else is going to do but me. Well, Saturday will come one way or another, I'll just have to wait. So I stood up to fix my bed and arrange the pillows. Afterwards, I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and took a quick shower. After finishing my shower, I wrapped my body with a towel. I went to the closest to get my red school uniform and wore it. Then, I sat on the chair facing my mirror. I began to dry my hair with a blower then I tied it into two buns. After that, I put some powder on my face. I realized my lipstick is not here. Where did I put it? I said rummaging my cabinets. It's not here. Ugh, I'm going to be late at this rate. I'll find it later. 

I went downstairs to see mom cooking breakfast and dad is nowhere to be found. Then I asked.
     “Mom, did you know where my lipstick went?”
     “What lipstick?”
     “You know, the one grandma gave to me on my birthday? I cannot find it in my room.”
     “Oh, honey, I'll help you find it later if you want. But for now take a seat and breakfast will be ready.”
     “Okay, mom.”
So I ate my breakfast then rushed off. 
     “Bye, mom, I'm running late.”
     “Bye, sweetie, enjoy your day.”
     “Thanks, mom! I love you!"
 I ran to catch the bus but I didn't make it. I'll wait for the next bus. While waiting, I sat on the nearby bench and listened to music. Fifteen minutes has passed before the next bus arrived. I didn't see Daniel so maybe he took the first bus. I sat in front of the bus and handed my pay to the driver. I felt really sleepy but I have to stay awake since no one will wake me up. The bus stopped  on a station but it's not my stop. So I just stared at the window as the driver drove. A few minutes later, it stopped again. Then I got down and entered the school. I  saw Marie and Claire  so I walked to them and asked.
    “Am I late?”
    “No, you're just in time. The class is just about to start. Come on let's get in."

So once we got in, we went to our lockers to get the things we need for our first subject.
    “What's your first subject Cherie?” They asked me.
    “English. How about you, Clarie?”
    “I got math, ugh,” she said feeling annoyed, after a while she continued, "How about you Marie?”
    “I got music.”
    “Okay, see guys later.”
So we went to our respective classes. 
I went my English class and took a seat. I jot down some notes while listening to our teacher. After a while, teacher called me to answer what's on the board so I stood up and went to the board.
    “Cherie, answer this.”
    “Patty's mom (is, are) a liar.”
    “The answer is going to be is.”
    “Good, explain.”
    “Because Patty's mom is only singular if you put are in the sentence that's going to be wrong because Patty's mom is not in a plural form. Just because the s has apostrophe, it doesn't mean that Patty has many moms.” 
    “Okay very good Cherie. You may go back to your seat.”
     “Thank you.”
So she went back to her seat and listened. After an hour of English class, they got dissmissed. Cherie waited for Marie and Claire on the lockers. I took my phone in my bag and started calling Sunnie at the second ring she answered my call by saying: “Hello,”
     “Sunnie, can you help me find my lipstick that grandma gave me?”
     “Okay sure, my class doesn't start with an hour. I guess I can go home and find it for you.”
     “Thanks, Sunnie.” 
     “It's no problem sis, I'll keep searching for it in your room maybe you just dropped it somewhere I'll call you once I found it.”
     “Thanks you sis. See you later at home.” I said and hung up.

Atop the building (On Going) Book1 Cherie's Past ♡Updates Every Thursday♡Where stories live. Discover now