chapter 86

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Weng Wuyou maintained composure but others were not calm. That was an Elder! Especially Elder Ning was not an ordinary Elder; he was from the most powerful Inheritance in Luoyun Sect - Kendo Inheritance!

"Weng Wuyou! You will be regretful for your today's behavior!" Elder Ning gnashed his teeth, his face filling up with hate. He suffered the biggest disgrace in his life today. No matter what would happen, he must return the same disgrace to Weng Wuyou for double times.

"You should be regretful for what you did today at first." The serenity on Weng Wuyou's face never faded away. It seemed he never took Elder Ning into consideration.

"Elder Weng...Let's forget it. Please let Elder Ning go!" One Elder opened mouth and asked for a favor.

"Hm, let him go? I act up to my promise. If he apologizes to my disciple, I will let him off." Weng Wuyou sneered in calmness. He didn't care the requests of other Elders.

"Weng Wuyou. All of us are Elders, we share the same status. You have no right to treat Elder Ning in this way!" An Elder stamped with fury; he pointed to and cursed Weng Wuyou. Although he was the Elder of another Inheritance, he had a good relationship with Elder Ning. He couldn't bear Elder Ning was bullied and humiliated continuously before his eyes. He wanted to defend Elder Ning against an injustice.

"Your words are bullshit! Today, even if Founder comes here, I will not allow him to take away Rubbish Ning." Weng Wuyou was so bossy that he didn't seem like an old man who had a foot in the grave; he was like an energetic and hot-blooded young king!

"You..." The Elder, who swore Weng Wuyou just now, blackened his face and waved his hands. Releasing strong power, he launched a raid to Weng Wuyou directly.

"Our Yuxu Inheritance has kept a low profile for a long time, so that all you guys forget the honor of my Inheritance! Today, I stand here and tell you, Yuxu Inheritance never declines, we're still unrivaled!" Weng Wuyou's eyes were sparkling. The strength of stars passed through his body and the bright star's splendor lighted up. Weng Wuyou shook one hand, and then the Elder attacking him flew out.

"Who is against me? Come on, let's have a fight!" Weng Wuyou exclaimed and cast his bright sight to every Elder.

"How mighty Elder Weng is!" The remaining Elders' hearts were beating faster; they were astounded by Weng Wuyou's strong power. They didn't consider that low-key Weng Wuyou would have such a mighty ability!

"Weng Wuyou, don't be complacent! There are many talented people in Kendo Inheritance. You humiliate me today; our Kendo Inheritance will take revenge on you one day!" Elder Ning kneeling down on the ground was not submitted to Weng Wuyou. Instead, he tried to threaten Weng Wuyou.

"Yuxu Inheritance has never fallen behind any Inheritance!" Mysterious lights gleamed in Weng Wuyou's eyes. He stared at Elder Ning and whooped, "If your Kendo Inheritance is unconvinced, welcome to combat with me at any time." After that, he glanced at Ye Feng and continued, "If Kendo Inheritance's disciples are unconvinced, welcome to fight with Ye Feng!"

Ye Feng was influenced by Weng Wuyou's energy and his hot blood was burning up. With his dazzling eyes, Ye Feng exclaimed, "My teacher says my thought! In the same cultivation realm, everyone who is dissatisfied with me, welcome to battle with me!"

"Yuxu Inheritance has never fallen behind any Inheritance!" Ye Feng's hair was glittering and translucent, his sight was firm and persistent and a kind of extraordinary temperament broke through his body. He seemed very uncommon!

Around Ye Feng and Weng Wuyou, whether Elders or disciples of Luoyun Sect, all were amazed by the brave words.

Yuxu Inheritance had never fallen behind any Inheritance!

How lofty and confident those words were! But how many people could say those words at public, like Ye Feng and Weng Wuyou?

"Interesting! Ye Feng may share some common features with Chen Xilai..." Du Chong, ranking 17th on Qingyun List, gazed at Ye Feng with expectations.

"Did you say 'One Sword Xilai' - Chen Xilai?" Fang Tian, ranking 15th on Qingyun List, was surprised. He didn't imagine his friend Du Chong would make such a high evaluation of Ye Feng. Nearly all people knew that except Phoenix Lin Xi, Chen Xilai, the top on Qingyun List, was the most talented disciple in Luoyun Sect!

Among outer disciples, Mu Chen stood up on the lift; his eyes were fixed on Ye Feng, filling up with resentment. Ye Feng replaced him to enjoy this honorable moment that should have belonged to him! He was angry about losing the inheritance competition and bringing shame on Kendo Inheritance.

"Hongling, does your elder cousin get back?" Mu Chen laughed grimly.

"I received a letter from my family few days ago. It said my elder cousin is at home now." Hongling's face was cold; she also hated Ye Feng to the bone.

"That's good..."Mu Chen peered at Ye Feng with a malevolent smile.

"Weng Wuyou! In terms of your two persons, are you whimsical to raise the devil?" Elder Ning jeered. Yuxu Inheritance was powerful, so what? It just had two persons! Particularly Yuxu Inheritance was incomplete! How could it compete with his Kendo Inheritance? They should know Founder was also polite to Kendo Inheritance!

"I don't want to talk with you. Ye Feng, go and slap him severely until he apologizes." Weng Wuyou found a green stone and hunkered on it with composure.

"No problem. Teacher!" Ye Feng replied and walked to Elder Ning, grinning with dissatisfaction.

"Ye Feng...If you touch me, I'm ensured you will think death is a relief in the future!" Elder Ning's expression was greatly changed. If he was slapped by an outer disciple, he would prefer to die!


Sonorous sound echoed. Ye Feng had no hesitation to raise his arms and slap Elder Ning.

"Make an apology or not?" Ye Feng rebuked Elder Ning in a cold voice and continued to slap him. Quickly, Elder Ning's face was swollen as a pig, with blood emerging on the corners of his mouth.

"I will kill you!" Elder Ning went crazy. If he was not limited by Weng Wuyou's power, if he could move, he would jump up and kill Ye Feng relentlessly.

All spectators were stupefied; they were astonished by Ye Feng's audacity. He slapped an Elder! This was an astounding affair! Nobody could think that thing would happen before!

"You still lack the awareness of apologizing. It seems I need to work harder." Ye Feng was calm, but in fact, his hands were sparkling, the power of the initial Saint Physique breaking out. Ye Feng straight whacked Elder Ning's face with his big hand.


Elder Ning squirted blood with a tooth. Obviously, this slap was very mighty!

"I must kill you!" Elder Ning roared. The fury nearly rushed out from his eyes.

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