Chapter 58 Arouse Public Anger

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Luoyun Sect, on a desolate and remote mountain where the vegetation was messy and stood a broken hall.

"You had chosen the Yu-xu inheritance?"

Qu Linyin looked at Ye Feng with amazement. She didn't think that someone would actually choose this inheritance.

The inheritance of Yu-xu was very legendary in the Luoyun Sect. Its Yu-xu Immortal Skill, absolutely deserved the first method of the Luoyun Sect.

However, it had been broken, and it was incomplete now. There was no one had chosen this inheritance for many hundred years.


Ye Feng calmly responded, and then he saw the weeds in the ground. He frowned and said: "It is really desolate here, so it is necessary to clean up. Since I have chosen this inheritance, I should be responsible to carry it forward."

"The first step is to clean up these weeds ."

Ye Feng smiled and looked at Qu Linyin.

"You won't let me to clean up these weeds,right?" Qu Linyin had a bad feeling in her heart.

"Sure, you are my maid.It's your duty"

"Ye Feng...!"

Qu Linyin was angry.

"Call me the young master." Ye Feng smiled lightly.

"Fine, I will bear for a month!"

Qu Linyin compromised and cleaned up the weeds by her power.

Ye Feng looked at the dilapidated temple on the mountain and wanted to go to have a talk with his inheritance master.

But in the end, he shook his head and dismissed the idea.

His inheritance master, at first glance, was a temperamental person. He did not want to make trouble for himself.

"You stay here. I am going to cultivating now."

After Ye Feng said that, he left Qu Linyi who was filled with complaints alone.

He walked around the mountain and wanted to find an aura-rich area to cultivate, but unfortunately, he turned around and found that there was no place with a rich aura, just wild grasses and dead trees everywhere.

In the end, he had to use divine power to remove the dead grass and dry trees and sorted out a clean place to cultivate.

He ran out the Immortal Sutra. Even though the Spiritual energy of this area was very thin, it could also sense that a large amount of Spiritual energy was flowing toward Ye Feng.

"These Spiritual Cores and Spiritual Stones are not very useful for my cultivation, maybe I can change them into experience values."

Ye Feng took them out, and exchanged them into experience values without any hesitate .


"Congratulations to the success of the exchange, the current experience values of the host is 6500."

Ye Feng nodded his head.It was beyond his expectations that he could get more than 6,000 experience values .

His experience values was very difficult to get now, and the grade of these Spiritual Stones and Spiritual Cores were the lowest, and did not have much energy.

"There is also the Fire Cloud and a low grade Magic Tool."

Ye Feng took the cultivation Jade Jane of the Fire Cloud and the Magic Tool out .

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