Chapter 70 Unstoppable

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All the people in the stands were shocked. Ye Feng stood in the battle field while his long hair was fluttered with the wind like a god of war who was surrounded by the brilliant divine light, awesome and heartshaking.

"Lu Qianyu...was defeated!"

Everyone was stunned by the failure of Lu Qianyu who was 6th ranked with the highest speed among the outer disciples.Having no suspense in the defeat , he was seriously injured.

"No one can stop the rise of Ye Feng...!"

An outer disciple sighed.

In the recent period, Ye Feng was far-famed, and anyone who was against him was defeated by him easily and unexpectedly.

" It is really a pity that he chose the inheritance of Yu-xu with such a good potential...!"

Looking at Ye Feng, Fu Elder felt very sorry to Ye Feng.

It was true that the inheritance of Yu-xu could be said the strongest inheritance of Luoyun Sect. However, it was broken and incomplete.Thus,you would not make any great achievements no matter how much your potential was.

"He can come to my kendo inheritance."

Ning Elder looked at Ye Feng with the light of satisfaction or approval in his eye.

Meanwhile, the other four elders also opened their mouth and wanted to ask Fu Elder to transfer Ye Feng to their own heritage.

Before they had not yet spoken, Ning Elder of kendo inheritance had already asked.

They shook their heads and bit the words back that had already rose to their lips.

Facing the strong kendo inheritance, they had no chance to ask.

"Let's talk about it later after asking the Sect Leader..."

Fu Elder sighed. The Weng Elder of Yu-cu inheritance was not the person they could control.

"Give you a chance to admit defeat."

Ye Feng was tall and slender, and his eyes were bright.He looked at Lu Qianyu and said indifferently.

"No,like Wang He.I will fight in the end and never give up!"

Lu Qianyu shouted, and his eyes showed a strong and firm light.

He was also moved deeply by Wang He's indomitable spirit that he never gave up although he was tortured violently by Ye Feng. What a high-spirited guy Wang He was!

"You really don't need to do that...!"

Ye Feng was kind of speechless and helpless.

The truth was Wang He was not as good as Lu Qianyu thought. It was clear that he blocked Wang He's mouth and made it impossible for him to shout out the words of 'admit defeat'.

Otherwise, Wang He had already gave up early.

"I want to fight in the end and never give up like Wang He!"

With the blood-stained long hair was dancing in the air, Lu Qianyu roared and jumped from the ground.He released his remaining divine power, and attacked to Ye Feng with a full blow.


Having no suspense, Lu Qianyu was flew out by Ye Feng's punch and then fell down heavily hundreds of meters away.


Ye Feng said silently.

The people who thought that Ye Feng would be defeated by Lu Qianyu and stopped here all closed their mouths and did not dare to speak.

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