Chapter 23 Be Envious

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"Junior Sister, you are 'duplicity'."

The white cloth woman smiled at Jiang Shui, and then walked over.

The boys and girls behind her also followed.


The girl in blue cloth smelled and said.

Others also smelled the scent, and then all them turned to look at Ye Feng.

"It's you!"

The white cloth girl's face was slightly shocked. She knew Ye Feng and the relationship was deeply also.

"So?You must didn't think that you could meet me here."

Ye Feng said coldly with a chill light flashed in the depths of his eyes.

"You know each other?"

Jiang Shui blinked her eyes and asked curiously.

"More than just knowing, and we also understand each other very well."

The girl in white cloth smiled lightly, recovering her surprising expression and becoming calm and comfortable again soon.

"Junior Sister Bai, do you really know him?"

The blue cloth girl asked with a surprised look.

In her impression, Senior Sister Bai was pure and noble and she never contacted with a male, but now she said that she knew Ye Feng very well,which made her very surprised so that she carefully looked up and down Ye Feng.

Just a very ordinary boy with kind of cute,but there were too many handsome men and beautiful women in the Sect.

"Now,I'm very interested in the story between you two."

The white cloth girl were very curious about Jiang Shui and Ye Feng.

Jiang Shui was the noble daughter of the Sect Leader, and Ye Feng, she knew him very well, he was the most discredited and waste disciple of Luoyun Sect.

It was very unbelievable for her that the two people with very different statuses would actually go together.

"He is my good friend. This time, i specially asked him to cook for me."

Jiang Shui said with a smile.

good friend?

There was a flash of surprise in the white cloth girl's beautiful eyes.

Listening to Jiang Shui's tone, she seemed to have a very unusual relationship with Ye Feng.

"Junior Sister, you are still young. And i would like to persuade you with one sentence----you may know a person's face but not his mind."

The white cloth girl's eyes looked at Ye Feng and then said to Jiang Shui.

Which meant very clearly that Ye Feng was a villain, and you needed to guard against him.

"I know it.Senior Sister, you're annoying. I am not stupid. The one who can lie to me was not born yet."

Jiang Shui pouted and replied, she did not understand the real meaning and thought it was just a sister's concern.

Ye Feng stood up slowly and said with a smile: "The barbecue is ready. Come on."

Jiang Shui's eyes lighted up and said: "Let's talk later,Senior Sisters,come and eat barbecue, Ye Feng is a real barbecue maker."

After she finished to talk, she couldn't wait to run over.Regardless the image,she teared down a large piece of barbecue and ate.

The white cloth girl shook her head, and walked toward the barbecue.

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